
DWR - Easy AJAX for JAVA | Getahead

 accesine 2005-10-13

DWR - Direct Web Remoting

AJAX is an approach to writing web pages that improves a web site‘s appeal and usability. It enhances user interaction by targeting updates from the server to specific areas of the web page. It allows information to be changed without long delays or frustrating page refreshes.

DWR reduces development time and the likelihood of errors by providing commonly used functions and removing almost all of the repetitive code normally associated with highly interactive web sites.

DWR is freely available as open source software (ASL version 2.0). It is straightforward to implement with extensive libraries, examples and tutorials. Incorporating it into existing sites is simple as it readily integrates with the most commonly used Java frameworks.

download image Download
The current version of DWR is version 1.0. Downloads of the Jar file and source packages for this and older versions are available.
documentation Documentation
The DWR documentation index includes getting started overviews, tutorials, demos, reference manuals and links to other site writing introductions to DWR.
contact image Support
The support pages contain infomation about the available mailing-lists and about commercial support options.
developer image Development
The development pages give access to our bug database, the CVS source archive and the mailing lists.

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