
toolbox.xilinx SelectMAP Configuration Mode

 joysymbol 2007-03-24

SelectMAP Configuration Mode

With iMPACT, SelectMAP Configuration mode enables you to program up to three Xilinx devices. The devices are programmed one at a time and are selected by the assertion of the correct CS pin. To use the SelectMAP Configuration Mode, click on the SelectMAP tab at the top of the iMPACT window and establish a cable connection. Only the MultiLINX cable can be used for SelectMAP Configuration.

Adding a Device

To add a device, right click on the iMPACT window and select Add Xilinx Device (see Figure 4-21).

Figure 4-21 Adding a Device for SelectMAP Configuration

After clicking on Add Xilinx Device, a window appears that enables you to browse to the configuration file(see Figure 4-22).

Figure 4-22 Configuration File Types for SelectMAP Mode

Notice in Figure 4-22 that only two file types can be used, FPGA BIT Files and FPGA Raw BIT Files. For a description of these files, see the Add Device Section for Slave Serial Configuration.

Once a BIT or RBT file is selected the device appears in the iMPACT window. Up to three devices can be added. Figure 4-23 shows an example where two devices have been added. Notice that each one has a different Chip Select (CS) pin. These correspond to the CS pin on the MultiLINX Cable. Make sure that the correct CS pin is connected to the correct device. The CS pins are swapped by dragging and dropping the pins in the window.

Figure 4-23 Two Devices Added for SelectMAP Configuration

Programming and Verifying a Device

To program or verify a device, right click on the device and then select Program or Verify (see Figure 4-24). The MultiLINX cable asserts the correct CS pin and then performs that operation on that device.

Figure 4-24 Selecting Program or Verify in SelectMAP Mode

When Program or Verify is selected, iMPACT performs the operation and a status message indicates the operation completed successfully.

Troubleshooting SelectMAP Programming and Verify

If Program or Verify fails, a red status message indicates the operation failed. Figure 4-25 shows a failed Program Operation.

Figure 4-25 SelectMAP Programming Failed

When Programming fails, the error message reads:

Done pin did not go high.

Programming terminated due to error.

Programming failed.

The above error message can occur for many reasons. Below are some of the common causes:

  • The Mode pins on the device are not set to SelectMAP Mode.
  • One or more of the SelectMAP signals are not connected properly.
  • The wrong CS pin is connected to the device.
  • Noise is corrupting CCLK or the DATA lines.
  • The hardware is not set up properly.
  • The wrong configuration file was applied to the device.

When Verify fails, the error message reads:

ERROR:Bitstream:98 - There are ## differences.

ERROR:iMPACT:395 - The number of difference is ##

Verification failed.

The above error message can be caused by any of the conditions listed above for a failed Program operation. In addition, the problem might be caused because the BIT File was generated incorrectly. If security is set to Level1 or Level2 or if Persist is set to No, verify fails. Check the BitGen options and make sure that Security is set to None and Persist is set to YES.

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