Yuan An, PhD Candidate "Research Interests: Conceptual Modeling, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Semantic Web, Data Integration, Database Theory, specifically, I am interested in Data Semantics. "
Interests: Semantic Web and Data Integration
"Research: Auction-based Distributed Resource Allocation, Peer-to-Peer Systems, Performance Study on Web Services"
"My research interest is Semantic Web and Ontologies."
Research Interests: Semantic Annotation, Semantic Web, Semi-Automatic Ontology Generation Zhongli Ding (丁仲莉)
"Current Research Interest: Semantic Web"
"Research Interests: Description Logic, Nonmonotonic Logic"
"He is particularly interested in reasoning with large numbers of individuals (representing, e.g., web resources) using a combination of databases and DL reasoning techniques."
"Research Interests: Networked Ontology Modeling, Knowledge Acquisition for Ontology Engineering"
"His research interests generally include the Semantic Web, Data Integration and Interoperability, Peer to Peer Systems, Software Engineering, Data Mining, and Information Retrieval. "
"I’m working on several Semantic Web related projects including WebScripter, VIVID and MetaDesk. My research interests are in creating end-user tools for RDF authoring, ontology alignment and semantic search. "
"I am interested in data management and knowledge engineering. Specifically, my PhD research has focused on ontology-based query processing , ontology integration and heterogeneous data sources."
"My current research interest focus on semantic Web and personal information retrieval system. " [编辑]
"My current research concentrates on Semantic Web/Grid, knowledge/ontology engineering, web service technologies, Grid intelligence, service-oriented knowledge management and the application of the aforementioned technologies to distributed information/knowledge management systems in the context of e-Science, e-Health, e-Business, etc.." Ying Ding, Senior Researcher "My resear focues are Semantic Web application, semantic searching, product classification, semantic web service discovery."
"Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Data Integration, Data Mining, Medical Informatics and Bioinformatics, The Semantic Web "
"My areas of research are Artificial Intelligence and Multimedia. My main interests are: logical foundation of the Semantic Web, intelligent multimedia technology, formal theories of intelligent agents, and their implementation, applied logics for decision support systems, and reasoning about actions. "
"Dr. Ling Liu is an internationally recognized expert in the areas of Database Systems, Distributed Systems, Internet Systems, and Web Services."
"Research Interests: Semantic Web, Knowledge Representation, Description Logics, Ontology, Semantic Grid, Datatypes, Rule Languages, Query Answering, Software Engineering, Multimedia"
"Research Areas: Integrated business process ontology development: PSL, BPEL, OWL-S, XPDL, etc......
"Research Interests: E-Commerce and E-Payment; Semantic Web, Semantic Grid, Web Services, including Metadata, XML, and RDF, Web Document and Metadata Management, Learning Object Management; Conceptual Database Schema Integration"
"Dr. Guizhen Yang‘s research focuses on practical as well as theoretical aspects of data and knowledge management. His past and current research work spans from Databases to Artificial Intelligence to Programming Languages."
"My main research interests are in the study of Machine Learning, Information Retrieval and Data Mining, with a particular emphasis on Web Search Engines." |