
[小六] 听力测试题答案

 如歌的行板 2007-05-08

I. 1. cake  grade (√) 2. lump  jump (×)

   3. lamb comb (√) 4. rhyme rhythm (√)

   5. back pack (×)   6. nose close (√)

   7. doubt debt (√)   8. sun son (×)

II. 1. ninth 2. fifth 3. eighth 4. twelfth 5. thirtieth 6. fifteenth


III. 1. This is her bag. 2. That is their classroom. 3. He is doing his homework. 4. I shall borrow your novel. 5. Mr Lee is our English teacher.


IV. 1. I am the first one. (√) 2.Who is the eighth? (×) 3. Teacher’s Day is the tenth Day of September.(√)  4. What is the seventh picture? (×) 5. Did you win the first place? (√)

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