
User-Centric IdM Why It's Good For Individua...

 agile05 2008-05-07

User-Centric IdM Why It's Good For Individuals & Business

20 December, 2005 - 3:21pm

Industry analyst Mike Neuenschwander of the Burton Group has just published an in-depth report (unfortunately only available to subscribers) on "User-Centric Identity Management and the Enterprise: Why Empowering Users is Good Business". He notes that the user-centric model views current IdM systems as flawed. We agree and concur with the perspective that the next generation of identity systems must be polycentric (meet the needs of the Internet community and also enterprise administrators).

The report provides an overview of the user-centric vs domain-centric approach to Internet IdM, including how Identity 1.0 vs Identity 2.0 systems are structured. Neuenschwander also describes the different vendors and protocols in the space, noting that "the concept of user-centric IdM isn't new, but it is an idea that has yet to be productized. Several vendors have reinvigorated the quest for a commercially viable approach to enabling users to have greater control over their identity data. The most active vendors in this space are Microsoft, Sxip, and Credentica."

Neuenschwander suggests that user-centric technologies will have a significant effect on enterprise IdM systems, enabling new ways of forming communities or establishing relationships with individuals. He recognizes that although a user-centric approach is a ways off before it becomes widespread, that it has the potential for addressing many of problems with the Internet today, such as phishing, spam and identity theft. He believes solving these issues as well as increased frustruation with identity fragmention, and the need for adhering to privacy and compliance requirements, will be drivers towards user-centric IdM adoption.

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