
Soothe Sore Muscles

 山海一色 2009-04-10

Soothe Sore Muscles

Too tired for a complete workout? Try this routine to ease your sore spots by increasing blood flow to your muscles and stretching commonly tight areas.

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Movements Sets Reps
Foam Roll - Hamstring 01 minute each Play Video
Foam Roll - Calf 01 minute each Play Video
Foam Roll - IT Band 01 minute each Play Video
Foam Roll - Gluteus Medius 01 minute each Play Video
Foam Roll - Gluteus Maximus 01 minute each Play Video
Foam Roll - Quadriceps / Hip Flexor 01 minute each Play Video
Foam Roll - Adductor 01 minute each Play Video
Foam Roll - VMO 01 minute each Play Video
Glute Stretch - Supine 01 08 reps each Play Video
Rope Stretch - Calf 01 08 reps each Play Video
Rope Stretch - Bent Knee Hamstring 01 08 reps each Play Video
Rope Stretch - Straight Leg Hamstring 01 08 reps each Play Video
Rope Stretch - IT Band / Glute 01 08 reps each Play Video
Rope Stretch - Adductor 01 08 reps each Play Video
Rope Stretch - Quadriceps / Hip Flexor 01 08 reps each Play Video
Glute Stretch - Prone 30 seconds each Play Video

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