

 mtjs 2009-05-23
22 Feb 2009 
John Stone is a legend. The story itself about his transformation is not that fresh.
I found his old photos and added new ones to make it more interesting.
That’s what happened.
In 2003 this man decided to loose his beer-belly and went to the gym.
Five years later, after all the training, it’s difficult to recognize him. John Stone became a real bodybuilder. Every month, during the past 5 years, he took pictures of him and put them on his blog. See what miracle, desire and hard work as well as strong will, can do.

We have already posted an entry about a very big man who managed to slim down and to transform his life completely.

John Stone是一个传奇,不过他自己的故事并不新鲜,我找到了他的旧照片,并和新照片并在一起这样就有趣多了。这一切是怎么发生的呢?在2003年这位老兄决定去掉将军肚走进了健身房。5年后经过长时间的锻炼你很难认出来这就是原来的“他”。John Stone变成了健美运动员。
--by mtjs

Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)

Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)
Amazing transformation of body in 5 years (89 pics)

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