

 兰帕德 2009-10-15

垃圾词汇1: help

典型例句: I"ll help you 。

替代语 accomodate E.g: I"ll endeavour to accomodate you。

垃圾词汇2: helpful

典型例句:Sth is helpful (to sb)

替代语 conducive E.g Sth is conducive to sb

垃圾词汇3: show

典型例句:as it shows in the picture

替代语 betray

垃圾词汇4: think

典型例句: i think ---- ----


垃圾词汇5: ugly

典型例句: xxx is ugly

替代语 hideous

垃圾词汇6: by the way

典型例句: by the way,...。

替代语 incidentally,...。

垃圾词汇7: because

典型例句: xxx because xxx

替代语 in that/in as much as E.g: xxx because xxx

垃圾词汇8: consider

典型例句: We must consider xxx

替代语: allow for E.g : We must allow for xxx

垃圾词汇9: much

典型例句: there has been a much increase in the world population

替代语:there has been a drastic increase in the -----

垃圾词汇10: about

典型例句:it is about 250 times of that

替代语 it is approximately ---

垃圾词汇11: buy


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