

 你真的离了吗 2009-11-20

1 海鸥展翅

Gull Wing   The Subaru Hybrid Tourer Concept has both a 2.0 liter boxer engine and electric motor hybrid system, a feature that

斯巴鲁混合动力旅行者(Subaru Hybrid Tourer)概念车搭载一个排量为2.0的水平对置引擎和电机混合动力系统,该车可于2011年上市。

2 四面八方

Every Which Way  A model shows off Honda Motor's experimental concept vehicle, the balance control U3-X, at the Tokyo Motor Show. The


3 未来的复古车

Back to the Future  Honda's EV-N is a tiny retro-looking electric vehicle with a power-producing solar panel on its roof. The car also has a


4 挑战法拉利

Ferrari Fighter  Toyota Motor Corp. President Akio Toyoda introduces the Lexus LFA at the show. The new supercar boasts a top speed of

丰田汽车公司总裁Akio Toyoda正在车展上介绍一辆雷克萨斯LFA,这辆超级汽车最高时速可达每小时202英里,从0英里加速至60英里只要3.7秒。该车的标价为37.5万美元。

5 苗条的汽车

Lean-Machine  The electric Nissan

日产电动汽车"Land Glider" 转弯时车身会倾斜,像摩托车一样。

6 车厢大空间

Loads of Passenger Room  Daihatsu shows off its concept

大发公司展示了概念车"Deca Deca",该车车厢很大,车门可开至135度,并且没有中柱。

7 运动骑行车

Sporty Ride  Yamaha's new concept electric scooter, the EC-1, is part of a company strategy to move beyond its core market of motorcycle

雅马哈最新电动踏板车EC-1, 该车体现了雅马哈公司的战略,即把核心市场从摩托车爱好者转到更有趣,更个人化的车辆。

8 充电

Power Up  Visitors look at Mitsubishi's i-MiEV, which uses a lithium-ion battery instead of the conventional nickel-metal hydride


9 车门新概念

The Doors  Honda also brought the Skydeck to the show, a futuristic-looking six-seater hybrid vehicle.


10 内饰清凉

Interior  The Skydeck's seats are constructed from wood and mesh to keep passengers cool as they ride.


11 在近处走走

From Here to There  Toyota 's electric FT-EV II will only have a range of 56 miles and a top speed of 62 mph, which would

丰田的电动汽车FT-EV II 行驶里程只有56英里,最高时速62英里,只适合在大城市里使用。

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