
[Translation Tips] “发烧友”英语怎么说

 小妖Jamie 2009-11-28



An audiophile, from Latin audio "I hear" and Greek philos "loving," is a hobbyist who seeks high-quality audio reproduction via the use of non-mass-produced high-end audio electronics.


Some audiophiles try to listen to music at a quality level that is as close to the original performance as possible using high-fidelity components. Others try to recreate a particular sound belonging to a piece of equipment that is old or no longer current, such as the sound created by tube amplifiers.


Audiophile values may be applied at all stages of music reproduction: the initial audio recording, the production process, and the playback, which is usually in a home setting.


“发烧友”还被用来形容“狂热爱好或迷恋某些高科技产品的人”。英语可以这样表达:如enthusiast、zealot、–fancier” 或–manic。这里有一些例子:“These car–fanciers have recently organized a club.”(这些汽车发烧友最近组织了一个俱乐部。) “Most classic music–manics are keen on Mozart.”(大多数古典音乐发烧友都喜欢莫扎特的作品。) “As an audio fancier, he has the experience of working in a recording studio.”(作为音响发烧友,他具有在录音棚里工作的经历。) “I’ve been a web zealot for about seven years.”(我当网络发烧友大约有七年了。)


上网本 netbook

各类节目中的“噱头” watercooler moment


影像亲近症 videophilia

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen 编辑)

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