Mindful Walking
Each day do 15 minutes of mindful walking practice. Afterwards, please note down that you did. Try to describe how it went, and what effect it had, if any. Here are some possible approaches to walking meditation that you might find useful:
- Bring your attention into your body and its movements as you walk; each time you get distracted bring your mind back to your body.
2.Bring your attention into the soles of your feet (this is especially useful if you are speedy or anxious). Notice the weight of your body dropping through the soles of your feet and be aware of the support of the ground.
- Use words, phrases or images. Be aware of your whole body walking and add phrases to help you stay with your experience, (e.g. ‘walking mindfully’, ‘walking peacefully’.) Or, you might imagine yourself balancing a big basket or bowl of water on your head, yet walking smoothly and with elegance.
- Letting go of anxiety. Being aware of your whole body, notice whatever feelings or thoughts of worry or anxiety arise (either physical or mental). Notice how they give rise to tension in your body. See if you can just let go of them, relaxing body and mind as you walk.
- Bringing appreciative attention to your experience. This means tuning in to any pleasurable sensations that come in through the senses, (e.g. your body moving, the breeze on your skin, feelings of warmth or coolness, pleasant sights, sounds, etc.)
- Using the imagination. Some teachers suggest imagining a lotus blossom opening under each foot as you walk, or imagining the earth beneath you.
- Mindfulness in everyday activities. Practise similar awareness in ordinary activities: when you are washing the dishes, using your computer, driving the car, sitting in the bus, going shopping, and … and … and …