

 liuzi02 2010-05-27
Class TabDock类TabDock
延长 java.awt.Component java.awt.Component
延长 java.awt.Container java.awt.Container
延长 javax.swing.JComponent javax.swing.JComponent
延长 javax.swing.JPanel javax.swing.JPanel
延长 com.javadocking.dock.TabDock com.javadocking.dock.TabDock
All Implemented Interfaces: 所有实现的接口:
Dock , DockableHider , LeafDock , java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer, java.io.Serializable, javax.accessibility.Accessible 船坞DockableHiderLeafDock ,java.awt.image.ImageObserver,java.awt.MenuContainer,java.io.Serializable接口,javax.accessibility.Accessible

 public class TabDock公共类TabDock 
extends javax.swing.JPanel延伸javax.swing.JPanel
implements LeafDock , DockableHider实现LeafDockDockableHider

This is a dock that can contain zero, one or multiple dockables. The dockables are organized in the tabs of a tabbed pane. The tabbed pane of this dock is created with the component factory of the docking manager ( DockingManager.getComponentFactory() ) with the method SwComponentFactory.createJTabbedPane() .这是一个码头,可以包含零个,一个或多个dockables。窗格的dockables是举办了一个标签在标签的。码头的这个选项卡式窗格是(创建对接经理元件厂的DockingManager.getComponentFactory()与该方法SwComponentFactory.createJTabbedPane()

Information on using tab docks is in How to Use Laef Docks in The Sanaware Developer Guide .码头信息使用选项卡在如何使用Laef底座的Sanaware开发指南

This is a leaf dock.这是一个叶码头。 It cannot contain other docks.它不能包含其他码头。

When it contains no dockable it is empty.当它不包含可停靠它是空的。 It is never full.这是从来没有完整。

A dockable can be docked in this dock if:一个可停靠可停靠在这个码头,如果:

  • it has DockingMode.TAB as possible docking mode.DockingMode.TAB尽可能对接模式。
  • its content component is not null.其内容组件不空。
A composite dockable can also be docked in this dock if:一个可停靠的复合也可以在此停靠码头,如果:
  • all of its child dockables have DockingMode.TAB as possible docking mode. dockables其所有的孩子有DockingMode.TAB尽可能对接模式。
  • all of its child dockables have a content component that is not null.其子dockables都有一个内容组件是不空。


If the mouse is inside the priority rectangle, the dockable can be docked with priority (see Priority.CAN_DOCK_WITH_PRIORITY ). When the mouse is inside the panel of this dock, but outside the priority rectangle, the dockable can be docked without priority (see Priority.CAN_DOCK ). The priority rectangle is a rectangle in the middle of the dock and retrieved with getPriorityRectangle(Rectangle) .如果鼠标矩形内的优先级,可停靠可停靠优先(见Priority.CAN_DOCK_WITH_PRIORITY )。当鼠标码头是本小组内的,但外面的优先长方形,可停靠可停靠无优先权(见Priority.CAN_DOCK )。优先矩形有一个码头,在矩形的中间和检索getPriorityRectangle(Rectangle)

The Position for dockables docked in this dock are one-dimensional. The first position value of a child dockable is between 0 and the number of child dockables minus 1; it is the index of its tab.Position为这个dockables停靠在码头的一维。孩子可停靠的第一个位置值0和1之间的数减去儿童dockables,它是标签索引的。

Author: 作者:
Heidi Rakels.海蒂Rakels。
See Also: 参见:
Serialized Form 序列化形式

Nested Class Summary 嵌套类摘要
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javax.swing.JPanel 嵌套类的类javax.swing.JPanel从/接口继承
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent 嵌套类的类javax.swing.JComponent从/接口继承
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.awt.Container 嵌套类的类java.awt.Container从/接口继承
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.awt.Component 嵌套类的类java.awt.Component从/接口继承
java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent, java.awt.Component.BaselineResizeBehavior, java.awt.Component.BltBufferStrategy, java.awt.Component.FlipBufferStrategy
Field Summary 场综述
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent 从类继承的字段javax.swing.JComponent
Fields inherited from class java.awt.Component 从类java.awt.Component继承的字段
Fields inherited from interface java.awt.image.ImageObserver 从接口继承的字段java.awt.image.ImageObserver
Constructor Summary 构造方法摘要
TabDock ()
Constructs a tab dock.构造一个标签码头。
Method Summary 方法概述
boolean addDockable ( Dockable dockableToAdd, java.awt.Point relativeLocation, java.awt.Point dockableOffset)
Adds a dockable to this dock.这增加了一个可停靠的码头。
void addDockable ( Dockable dockableToAdd, Position position)
Adds the given dockable to this dock at the given position.由于增加了可停靠在指定位置,这个码头。
void addDockingListener ( DockingListener listener)
Adds a listener for DockingEvent s of this dock.添加侦听一个DockingEvent码头选本。
boolean canRemoveDockable ( Dockable dockableToRemove)
Determines if the specified dockable can be removed from this dock.如果指定的停靠可以从这个码头确定删除。
boolean containsDockable ( Dockable dockable)
Determines if the given dockable is docked in this dock.如果给定的可停靠在这个码头停靠确定。
protected  javax.swing.JPanel createComponentOfDockable ( Dockable dockable)
Creates the component that contains the content of the dockable.创建组件,包含可停靠的内容。
Dockable getDockable (int index)
Gets the dockable with the specified index, that is docked in this dock.获取具有指定索引的停靠,也就是在这个码头停靠。
int getDockableCount ()
Gets the number of dockables that are docked in this dock.获取该在这个码头停靠dockables数目。
Position getDockablePosition ( Dockable dockable)
Gets the position where the dockable is docked in this dock.获取其中可停靠在这个码头停靠位置。
int getDockPriority ( Dockable dockable, java.awt.Point relativeLocation)
Determines if the given dockable can be added to this dock.如果给定的可停靠可以添加到这个码头确定。
int getHeaderPosition ()
Gets the position where the headers of the dockables are placed.获取那里的dockables头放置的位置。
Dockable getHiddenDockable (int index)
Gets the dockable that is hidden in this dock with the given index.获取可停靠的是在这个给定的索引码头隐藏。
int getHiddenDockableCount ()
Gets the number of hidden dockables of this dock.获取这个码头隐藏dockables数目。
CompositeDock getParentDock ()
Gets the parent dock of this dock.获取此停靠码头的母公司。
protected  void getPriorityRectangle (java.awt.Rectangle rectangle)
Computes the relative rectangle in this dock in which docking has priority.计算在这个码头停靠在其中拥有优先权相对矩形。
Dockable getSelectedDockable ()
Gets the dockable that is selected in the tab dock.获取可停靠的码头是在标签选择。
javax.swing.JTabbedPane getTabbedPane ()
Gets the tabbed pane that contains the dockables.获取选项卡式窗格包含dockables。
void hideDockable ( Dockable dockableToHide)
Hides the content of the dockable.隐藏的可停靠的内容。
boolean isEmpty ()
Determines if this dock doesn't have any dockables docked in it, or doesn't have any child docks docked in it.如果这个码头确定没有任何dockables在它停靠,或者没有任何儿童在它停靠码头。
boolean isFull ()
Determines if any more dockables can be added to this dock.如果有更多dockables可以添加到这个码头确定。
void loadProperties (java.lang.String prefix, java.util.Properties properties, java.util.Map childDockIds, java.util.Map dockablesMap, java.awt.Window owner)
Loads the properties for this dock.加载的属性这个码头。
boolean moveDockable ( Dockable dockableToMove, java.awt.Point relativeLocation)
Moves a dockable to a new position in this dock.移动到一个可停靠的码头,在这个新位置。
boolean removeDockable ( Dockable dockableToRemove)
Removes the specified dockable from this dock.移除指定的停靠这个码头。
void removeDockingListener ( DockingListener listener)
Removes a listener for docking events of this dock.移除一个侦听这个码头的对接活动。
void restoreDockable ( Dockable dockableToRestore)
Restores the dockable that is hidden.恢复停靠是隐藏的。
Dockable retrieveDockableOfComponent (java.awt.Component component)
Retrieves the dockable of this dock that has the given component as content.检索此码头可停靠的内容具有特定的组成部分。
int retrieveDockingRectangle ( Dockable dockable, java.awt.Point relativeLocation, java.awt.Point dockableOffset, java.awt.Rectangle rectangle)
Sets the given rectangle to the position and size of the graphical content component of the dockable, when it will be docked in this dock.设置给定的矩形的位置和大小码头组成的图形内容可停靠时,这是否会停靠研究。
void saveProperties (java.lang.String prefix, java.util.Properties properties, java.util.Map childDocks)
Saves the properties of this dock in the given properties object.保存这个码头在给定的属性对象的属性。
void setHeaderPosition (int headerPosition)
Sets the position where the headers of the dockables are placed.设置那里的dockables头放置的位置。
void setParentDock ( CompositeDock parentDock)
Sets the specified dock as new parent dock of this dock.设置作为这项新的父船坞码头指定码头。
boolean setSelectedDockable ( Dockable dockable)
Selects the tab of the dockable.选择了可停靠标签。
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.JPanel 从类继承的方法javax.swing.JPanel
getAccessibleContext, getUI, getUIClassID, paramString, setUI, updateUI
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.JComponent 从类继承的方法javax.swing.JComponent
addAncestorListener, addNotify, addVetoableChangeListener, computeVisibleRect, contains, createToolTip, disable, enable, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, fireVetoableChange, getActionForKeyStroke, getActionMap, getAlignmentX, getAlignmentY, getAncestorListeners, getAutoscrolls, getBaseline, getBaselineResizeBehavior, getBorder, getBounds, getClientProperty, getComponentGraphics, getComponentPopupMenu, getConditionForKeyStroke, getDebugGraphicsOptions, getDefaultLocale, getFontMetrics, getGraphics, getHeight, getInheritsPopupMenu, getInputMap, getInputMap, getInputVerifier, getInsets, getInsets, getListeners, getLocation, getMaximumSize, getMinimumSize, getNextFocusableComponent, getPopupLocation, getPreferredSize, getRegisteredKeyStrokes, getRootPane, getSize, getToolTipLocation, getToolTipText, getToolTipText, getTopLevelAncestor, getTransferHandler, getVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget, getVetoableChangeListeners, getVisibleRect, getWidth, getX, getY, grabFocus, isDoubleBuffered, isLightweightComponent, isManagingFocus, isOpaque, isOptimizedDrawingEnabled, isPaintingForPrint, isPaintingTile, isRequestFocusEnabled, isValidateRoot, paint, paintBorder, paintChildren, paintComponent, paintImmediately, paintImmediately, print, printAll, printBorder, printChildren, printComponent, processComponentKeyEvent, processKeyBinding, processKeyEvent, processMouseEvent, processMouseMotionEvent, putClientProperty, registerKeyboardAction, registerKeyboardAction, removeAncestorListener, removeNotify, removeVetoableChangeListener, repaint, repaint, requestDefaultFocus, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocusInWindow, requestFocusInWindow, resetKeyboardActions, reshape, revalidate, scrollRectToVisible, setActionMap, setAlignmentX, setAlignmentY, setAutoscrolls, setBackground, setBorder, setComponentPopupMenu, setDebugGraphicsOptions, setDefaultLocale, setDoubleBuffered, setEnabled, setFocusTraversalKeys, setFont, setForeground, setInheritsPopupMenu, setInputMap, setInputVerifier, setMaximumSize, setMinimumSize, setNextFocusableComponent, setOpaque, setPreferredSize, setRequestFocusEnabled, setToolTipText, setTransferHandler, setUI, setVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget, setVisible, unregisterKeyboardAction, update
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Container 从类继承的方法java.awt.Container
add, add, add, add, add, addContainerListener, addImpl, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, applyComponentOrientation, areFocusTraversalKeysSet, countComponents, deliverEvent, doLayout, findComponentAt, findComponentAt, getComponent, getComponentAt, getComponentAt, getComponentCount, getComponents, getComponentZOrder, getContainerListeners, getFocusTraversalKeys, getFocusTraversalPolicy, getLayout, getMousePosition, insets, invalidate, isAncestorOf, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocusTraversalPolicyProvider, isFocusTraversalPolicySet, layout, list, list, locate, minimumSize, paintComponents, preferredSize, printComponents, processContainerEvent, processEvent, remove, remove, removeAll, removeContainerListener, setComponentZOrder, setFocusCycleRoot, setFocusTraversalPolicy, setFocusTraversalPolicyProvider, setLayout, transferFocusBackward, transferFocusDownCycle, validate, validateTree
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Component 从类java.awt.Component继承的方法
action, add, addComponentListener, addFocusListener, addHierarchyBoundsListener, addHierarchyListener, addInputMethodListener, addKeyListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, addMouseWheelListener, bounds, checkImage, checkImage, coalesceEvents, contains, createImage, createImage, createVolatileImage, createVolatileImage, disableEvents, dispatchEvent, enable, enableEvents, enableInputMethods, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, getBackground, getBounds, getColorModel, getComponentListeners, getComponentOrientation, getCursor, getDropTarget, getFocusCycleRootAncestor, getFocusListeners, getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled, getFont, getForeground, getGraphicsConfiguration, getHierarchyBoundsListeners, getHierarchyListeners, getIgnoreRepaint, getInputContext, getInputMethodListeners, getInputMethodRequests, getKeyListeners, getLocale, getLocation, getLocationOnScreen, getMouseListeners, getMouseMotionListeners, getMousePosition, getMouseWheelListeners, getName, getParent, getPeer, getPropertyChangeListeners, getPropertyChangeListeners, getSize, getToolkit, getTreeLock, gotFocus, handleEvent, hasFocus, hide, imageUpdate, inside, isBackgroundSet, isCursorSet, isDisplayable, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFocusOwner, isFocusTraversable, isFontSet, isForegroundSet, isLightweight, isMaximumSizeSet, isMinimumSizeSet, isPreferredSizeSet, isShowing, isValid, isVisible, keyDown, keyUp, list, list, list, location, lostFocus, mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseEnter, mouseExit, mouseMove, mouseUp, move, nextFocus, paintAll, postEvent, prepareImage, prepareImage, processComponentEvent, processFocusEvent, processHierarchyBoundsEvent, processHierarchyEvent, processInputMethodEvent, processMouseWheelEvent, remove, removeComponentListener, removeFocusListener, removeHierarchyBoundsListener, removeHierarchyListener, removeInputMethodListener, removeKeyListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMotionListener, removeMouseWheelListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, repaint, repaint, repaint, resize, resize, setBounds, setBounds, setComponentOrientation, setCursor, setDropTarget, setFocusable, setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled, setIgnoreRepaint, setLocale, setLocation, setLocation, setName, setSize, setSize, show, show, size, toString, transferFocus, transferFocusUpCycle
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object 从类java.lang.Object继承的方法
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail 构造详细

TabDock TabDock

public TabDock ()公共TabDock() 
Constructs a tab dock.构造一个标签码头。


Method Detail 方法详细

getDockPriority getDockPriority

public int getDockPriority ( Dockable dockable,公众诠释getDockPriority( 可停靠停靠,
java.awt.Point relativeLocation) java.awt.Point relativeLocation) 

Determines if the given dockable can be added to this dock.如果给定的可停靠可以添加到这个码头确定。

It can be docked in this dock:它可以在此停靠码头:

  • if it has DockingMode.TAB as possible docking mode.如果有尽可能对接模式DockingMode.TAB。
  • if its content component is not null.如果它的内容组件不空。
A composite dockable can also be docked in this dock if:一个可停靠的复合也可以在此停靠码头,如果:
  • all of its child dockables have DockingMode.TAB as possible docking mode. dockables其所有的孩子有DockingMode.TAB尽可能对接模式。
  • all of its child dockables have a content component that is not null.其子dockables都有一个内容组件是不空。



Specified by: 指定方式:
getDockPriority in interface Dock getDockPriority在接口Dock
Parameters: 参数:
dockable - The dockable that will be added. dockable -新增加的停靠将。
relativeLocation - The location where the dockable will be added. relativeLocation -添加的位置将可停靠。
Returns: 返回:
The integer that determines the priority for adding the dockable.的整数,它确定为加入可停靠的优先地位。 If the dockable cannot be added, CANNOT_DOCK is returned.如果不能增加停靠,CANNOT_DOCK返回。 The higher the integer, the higher the priority for docking the dockable in this dock.整数越高,越高的优先对接这个码头可停靠研究。

retrieveDockingRectangle retrieveDockingRectangle

public int retrieveDockingRectangle ( Dockable dockable,公众诠释retrieveDockingRectangle( 可停靠停靠,
java.awt.Point relativeLocation, java.awt.Point relativeLocation,
java.awt.Point dockableOffset, java.awt.Point dockableOffset,
java.awt.Rectangle rectangle) java.awt.Rectangle矩形) 
Description copied from interface: Dock 从接口复制的描述: Dock

Sets the given rectangle to the position and size of the graphical content component of the dockable, when it will be docked in this dock.设置给定的矩形的位置和大小码头组成的图形内容可停靠时,这是否会停靠研究。

Determines if the dockable can be added to this dock.确定是否可停靠可以被添加到这个码头停靠。 If the dockable cannot be added, it returns Priority.CANNOT_DOCK and the given rectangle is not changed.如果不能将可停靠,它返回Priority.CANNOT_DOCK和给定的矩形是没有改变。


Specified by: 指定方式:
retrieveDockingRectangle in interface Dock retrieveDockingRectangle在接口Dock
Parameters: 参数:
dockable - The dockable that will be added. dockable -新增加的停靠将。
relativeLocation - The location where the dockable will be added. relativeLocation -添加的位置将可停靠。
dockableOffset - The mouse location where the dragging started, relatively to the previous dock of the dockable. dockableOffset -鼠标拖动开始的位置,相对以往的可停靠的码头。
rectangle - This rectangle will be set to the location and size of the graphical component of the dockable when it will be docked in this dock. rectangle -此矩形将被设置为可停靠的位置和大小的图形组件时,将停靠在此停靠。 The rectangle is relative to this dock.该矩形是相对于这个码头。
Returns: 返回:
If the dockable cannot be added, Priority.CANNOT_DOCK is returned, otherwise a positive integer.如果不能增加停靠, Priority.CANNOT_DOCK返回,否则,一个正整数。

addDockable addDockable

public boolean addDockable ( Dockable dockableToAdd,公共布尔addDockable( 可停靠 dockableToAdd,
java.awt.Point relativeLocation, java.awt.Point relativeLocation,
java.awt.Point dockableOffset) java.awt.Point dockableOffset) 
Description copied from interface: Dock 从接口复制的描述: Dock

Adds a dockable to this dock.这增加了一个可停靠的码头。

First it determines if the dockable can be added with Dock.getDockPriority(Dockable, Point) . If this method returns CANNOT_DOCK, the dockable is not added.首先,它确定是否可停靠可添加Dock.getDockPriority(Dockable, Point) 。如果此方法返回CANNOT_DOCK,可停靠不添加。


Specified by: 指定方式:
addDockable in interface Dock addDockable在接口Dock
Parameters: 参数:
dockableToAdd - The dockable that will be added. dockableToAdd -新增加的停靠将。
relativeLocation - The location where the dockable will be added. relativeLocation -添加的位置将可停靠。
dockableOffset - The mouse location where the dragging started, relatively to the previous dock of the dockable. dockableOffset -鼠标拖动开始的位置,相对以往的可停靠的码头。
Returns: 返回:
True if the dockable was added to this dock, false otherwise. True如果被添加到这个停靠码头,否则为false。

canRemoveDockable canRemoveDockable

public boolean canRemoveDockable ( Dockable dockableToRemove)公共布尔canRemoveDockable( 可停靠 dockableToRemove) 
Description copied from interface: LeafDock 从接口复制的描述: LeafDock
Determines if the specified dockable can be removed from this dock.如果指定的停靠可以从这个码头确定删除。


Specified by: 指定方式:
canRemoveDockable in interface LeafDock canRemoveDockable在接口LeafDock
Parameters: 参数:
dockableToRemove - The dockable that will be removed. dockableToRemove -移除的可停靠将。
Returns: 返回:
True if the specified dockable can be removed from this dock, false otherwise.如果指定的停靠真可以免去这个船坞,否则为false。

removeDockable removeDockable

public boolean removeDockable ( Dockable dockableToRemove)公共布尔removeDockable( 可停靠 dockableToRemove) 
Description copied from interface: LeafDock 从接口复制的描述: LeafDock
Removes the specified dockable from this dock.移除指定的停靠这个码头。


Specified by: 指定方式:
removeDockable in interface LeafDock removeDockable在接口LeafDock
Parameters: 参数:
dockableToRemove - The dockable that will be removed. dockableToRemove -移除的可停靠将。
Returns: 返回:
True if the specified dockable was removed from this dock, false otherwise.如果指定的停靠真被删除从这个码头,否则为false。


public boolean isEmpty ()公共布尔参考isEmpty() 
Description copied from interface: Dock 从接口复制的描述: Dock
Determines if this dock doesn't have any dockables docked in it, or doesn't have any child docks docked in it.如果这个码头确定没有任何dockables在它停靠,或者没有任何儿童在它停靠码头。


Specified by: 指定方式:
isEmpty in interface Dock isEmpty在接口Dock
Returns: 返回:
True if this dock doesn't have any dockables docked in it, or doesn't have any child docks docked in it, false otherwise.如果此停靠在它没有停靠任何dockables,或没有任何儿童在它停靠码头,否则为false。

isFull isFull

public boolean isFull ()公共布尔isFull() 
Description copied from interface: Dock 从接口复制的描述: Dock
Determines if any more dockables can be added to this dock.如果有更多dockables可以添加到这个码头确定。


Specified by: 指定方式:
isFull in interface Dock isFull在接口Dock
Returns: 返回:
True if any more dockables can be added to this dock, false otherwise.如果真有更多dockables可以添加到这个码头,否则为false。

getParentDock getParentDock

public CompositeDock getParentDock ()公共CompositeDock getParentDock() 
Description copied from interface: Dock 从接口复制的描述: Dock
Gets the parent dock of this dock.获取此停靠码头的母公司。


Specified by: 指定方式:
getParentDock in interface Dock getParentDock在接口Dock
Returns: 返回:
The parent dock of this dock.这个码头的母公司码头。

setParentDock setParentDock

public void setParentDock ( CompositeDock parentDock)公共无效setParentDock( CompositeDock parentDock) 
Description copied from interface: Dock 从接口复制的描述: Dock
Sets the specified dock as new parent dock of this dock.设置作为这项新的父船坞码头指定码头。


Specified by: 指定方式:
setParentDock in interface Dock setParentDock在接口Dock
Parameters: 参数:
parentDock - The parent dock of this dock. parentDock -在这个停靠码头的母公司。

saveProperties saveProperties

public void saveProperties (java.lang.String prefix,公共无效saveProperties(java.lang.String前缀,
java.util.Properties properties, java.util.Properties类型的属性,
java.util.Map childDocks) java.util.Map的childDocks) 
Description copied from interface: Dock 从接口复制的描述: Dock

Saves the properties of this dock in the given properties object.保存这个码头在给定的属性对象的属性。

The property names for this dock should start with the given prefix.这个码头的属性名应当首先给定的前缀。


Specified by: 指定方式:
saveProperties in interface Dock saveProperties在接口Dock
Parameters: 参数:
prefix - The prefix for the property names. prefix -名称前缀的财产。
properties - The properties object to which the properties should be added. properties -对象的属性,以该财产应增加。
childDocks - A mapping between the child docks that are already saved and the keys that are used for the save. childDocks -甲码头之间的映射的孩子已经保存和保存密钥的用于。
  • map key: a child dock that is already saved ( Dock ).地图的关键:一个孩子已经是保存码头( Dock )。
  • map value: the key that is used for saving the dock (java.lang.String).地图价值:即挽救码头(java.lang.String使用键)。

loadProperties loadProperties

public void loadProperties (java.lang.String prefix,公共无效loadProperties(java.lang.String前缀,
java.util.Properties properties, java.util.Properties类型的属性,
java.util.Map childDockIds, java.util.Map的childDockIds,
java.util.Map dockablesMap, java.util.Map的dockablesMap,
java.awt.Window owner) java.awt.Window所有者)
throws java.io.IOException抛出IOException将给 
Description copied from interface: Dock 从接口复制的描述: Dock

Loads the properties for this dock.加载的属性这个码头。 The properties can be found in the given properties object. The property names for this dock start with the given prefix.物业的性质可以发现在给定的对象。给定前缀的属性开始,这名码头。

The dockables that should be docked in this dock are added to this dock. They can be found in the given dockables mapping. The docks that should be docked inside this dock are added to this dock. They can be found in the given childDocks mapping.被告席dockables一旦这样停靠在被添加到这个码头。它们可以映射发现在给定dockables。码头的码头停靠,如果这里面有被添加到这个码头。它们可以映射发现在给定childDocks。

This method should be called after the empty constructor to create the content of the dock. Don't call this method for a dock that already has a content.此方法应该被称为后空构造函数来创建内容的被告席。不要调用此方法的内容已经有一个码头。


Specified by: 指定方式:
loadProperties in interface Dock loadProperties在接口Dock
Parameters: 参数:
prefix - The prefix of the names of the properties that have been intended for this dock. prefix -前缀的码头,在这方面打算的姓名已被性能。
properties - The properties object that contains the properties for this dock. properties -对象的属性包含此停靠的属性。 It can contain also properties for other objects, but they will have another prefix.它也可以包含其他对象的属性,但他们将有另一个前缀。
childDockIds - A mapping between the dock keys of the child docks that are already loaded and the docks. childDockIds -甲码头之间的映射加载和码头已钥匙的孩子正在码头。
  • map key: the key that is used for saving the dock (java.lang.String).地图的关键:这是为挽救码头(java.lang.String使用键)。
  • map value: a child dock that is already loaded ( Dock ).地图的价值:一个孩子码头是已经加载( Dock )。
dockablesMap - A mapping that contains the available dockables. dockablesMap -一个映射,它包含可用dockables。
  • map key: the ID of the dockable (java.lang.String).地图的关键:对停靠(java.lang.String身份证)。
  • map value: the dockable ( Dockable ).地图价值:可停靠( Dockable )。
owner - The owner window of the dock in the dock model ( DockModel ). owner -所有者(窗口模式码头在码头DockModel )。
Throws: 抛出:
java.io.IOException - If an error occures while decoding the properties. java.io.IOException -如果一个错误略有下降,而解码的属性。

addDockingListener addDockingListener

public void addDockingListener ( DockingListener listener)公共无效addDockingListener( DockingListener听众) 
Description copied from interface: Dock 说明复制从接口: Dock
Adds a listener for DockingEvent s of this dock. The listener will be informed before and after adding, moving or removing dockables or child docks from this dock.添加侦听一个DockingEvent听众选本码头。意志被告知前,后添加,移动或删除从这个码头停靠dockables或子女。


Specified by: 指定方式:
addDockingListener in interface Dock addDockingListener在接口Dock
Parameters: 参数:
listener - A docking listener that will be notified when a dockable or child dock is added, moved, or removed. listener -一个对接侦听将会收到通知时,可停靠的码头被添加或子女,移动或删除。

removeDockingListener removeDockingListener

public void removeDockingListener ( DockingListener listener)公共无效removeDockingListener( DockingListener听众) 
Description copied from interface: Dock 从接口复制的描述: Dock
Removes a listener for docking events of this dock.移除一个侦听这个码头的对接活动。


Specified by: 指定方式:
removeDockingListener in interface Dock removeDockingListener在接口Dock
Parameters: 参数:
listener - The docking listener to remove. listener -监听器的对接删除。

getDockable getDockable

public Dockable getDockable (int index)市民可停靠 getDockable(诠释指数)
throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException抛出java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException 
Description copied from interface: LeafDock 从接口复制的描述: LeafDock
Gets the dockable with the specified index, that is docked in this dock.获取具有指定索引的停靠,也就是在这个码头停靠。


Specified by: 指定方式:
getDockable in interface LeafDock getDockable在接口LeafDock
Parameters: 参数:
index - The index of the dockable index -该指数的可停靠
Returns: 返回:
The dockable with the specified index that is docked in this dock.用指定的指数是在这个码头停靠停靠。
Throws: 抛出:
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - If the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= getDockableCount()). java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException -如果索引超出范围(index <0 | |指数> = getDockableCount())。

getDockableCount getDockableCount

public int getDockableCount ()公众诠释getDockableCount() 
Description copied from interface: LeafDock 从接口复制的描述: LeafDock
Gets the number of dockables that are docked in this dock.获取该在这个码头停靠dockables数目。


Specified by: 指定方式:
getDockableCount in interface LeafDock getDockableCount在接口LeafDock
Returns: 返回:
The number of dockables that are docked in this dock.该在这个码头停靠dockables数目。

containsDockable containsDockable

public boolean containsDockable ( Dockable dockable)公共布尔containsDockable( 可停靠停靠) 
Description copied from interface: LeafDock 从接口复制的描述: LeafDock
Determines if the given dockable is docked in this dock.如果给定的可停靠在这个码头停靠确定。


Specified by: 指定方式:
containsDockable in interface LeafDock containsDockable在接口LeafDock
Parameters: 参数:
dockable - The dockable. dockable -可停靠。
Returns: 返回:
True if if the given dockable is docked in this dock, false otherwise.如果真如果给定的可停靠在这个码头停靠,否则为false。

moveDockable moveDockable

public boolean moveDockable ( Dockable dockableToMove,公共布尔moveDockable( 可停靠 dockableToMove,
java.awt.Point relativeLocation) java.awt.Point relativeLocation) 
Description copied from interface: LeafDock 从接口复制的描述: LeafDock
Moves a dockable to a new position in this dock.移动到一个可停靠的码头,在这个新位置。


Specified by: 指定方式:
moveDockable in interface LeafDock moveDockable在接口LeafDock
Parameters: 参数:
dockableToMove - The dockable that will be moved. dockableToMove -可停靠的动议将。
relativeLocation - The location to which the dockable will be moved, relatively to the dock. relativeLocation -它的位置将被移动的停靠,相对的被告席。
Returns: 返回:
True if the position of the dockable changed, false otherwise.真如果停靠改变,否则虚假的立场。

getDockablePosition getDockablePosition

public Position getDockablePosition ( Dockable dockable)公共位置 getDockablePosition( 可停靠停靠)
throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException抛出java.lang.IllegalArgumentException 
Description copied from interface: LeafDock 从接口复制的描述: LeafDock
Gets the position where the dockable is docked in this dock.获取其中可停靠在这个码头停靠位置。


Specified by: 指定方式:
getDockablePosition in interface LeafDock getDockablePosition在接口LeafDock
Parameters: 参数:
dockable - The dockable that is docked in this dock. dockable -可停靠的码头,这是停靠研究。
Returns: 返回:
The position where the dockable is docked in this dock. Not null.该码头可停靠位置,这是停靠英寸不空。
Throws: 抛出:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the given dockable is not docked in this dock. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -如果给定的可停靠的码头停靠并不在此。

addDockable addDockable

public void addDockable ( Dockable dockableToAdd,公共无效addDockable( 可停靠 dockableToAdd,
Position position) 位置位置) 
Description copied from interface: LeafDock 从接口复制的描述: LeafDock

Adds the given dockable to this dock at the given position.由于增加了可停靠在指定位置,这个码头。

If there is already a dockable at the given position, or if the position is invalid, then the dockable is added at another position.如果已经是一个可停靠在给定的位置,或者如果该位置是无效的,那么将可停靠的位置是在另一个。


Specified by: 指定方式:
addDockable in interface LeafDock addDockable在接口LeafDock
Parameters: 参数:
dockableToAdd - The dockable to add to this dock. dockableToAdd -可停靠添加到这个码头。
position - The position of the dockable. position -可停靠位置。

hideDockable hideDockable

public void hideDockable ( Dockable dockableToHide)公共无效hideDockable( 可停靠 dockableToHide)
throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException抛出java.lang.IllegalArgumentException 
Description copied from interface: DockableHider 从接口复制的描述: DockableHider

Hides the content of the dockable.隐藏的可停靠的内容。 The dockable stays docked in this dock at the same position, but it has to be removed from the components of this dock.可停靠的码头停靠在此停留在同一位置,但它必须被从这个码头的组成部分。

The dock is not empty if it has a hidden dockable.该码头是不为空,如果它有一个隐藏的可停靠。


Specified by: 指定方式:
hideDockable in interface DockableHider hideDockable在接口DockableHider
Parameters: 参数:
dockableToHide - The dockable that is docked in this dock, that has to be hidden. dockableToHide -可停靠的码头,这是停靠在,已被隐藏。
Throws: 抛出:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the given dockable is not docked in this dock. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -如果给定的可停靠的码头停靠并不在此。

getHiddenDockableCount getHiddenDockableCount

public int getHiddenDockableCount ()公众诠释getHiddenDockableCount() 
Description copied from interface: DockableHider 从接口复制的描述: DockableHider
Gets the number of hidden dockables of this dock.获取这个码头隐藏dockables数目。


Specified by: 指定方式:
getHiddenDockableCount in interface DockableHider getHiddenDockableCount在接口DockableHider
Returns: 返回:
The number of hidden dockables of this dock.这个码头的隐藏dockables数目。

getHiddenDockable getHiddenDockable

public Dockable getHiddenDockable (int index)市民可停靠 getHiddenDockable(诠释指数) 
Description copied from interface: DockableHider 从接口复制的描述: DockableHider
Gets the dockable that is hidden in this dock with the given index.获取可停靠的是在这个给定的索引码头隐藏。


Specified by: 指定方式:
getHiddenDockable in interface DockableHider getHiddenDockable在接口DockableHider
Parameters: 参数:
index - The index of the hidden dockable. index -该指数的隐藏停靠。
Returns: 返回:
The hidden dockable, if there is one; otherwise null.隐藏的可停靠的,如果有一个,否则无效。

restoreDockable restoreDockable

public void restoreDockable ( Dockable dockableToRestore)公共无效restoreDockable( 可停靠 dockableToRestore) 
Description copied from interface: DockableHider 从接口复制的描述: DockableHider
Restores the dockable that is hidden.恢复停靠是隐藏的。


Specified by: 指定方式:
restoreDockable in interface DockableHider restoreDockable在接口DockableHider
Parameters: 参数:
dockableToRestore - The dockable to restore dockableToRestore -可停靠恢复

retrieveDockableOfComponent retrieveDockableOfComponent

public Dockable retrieveDockableOfComponent (java.awt.Component component)市民可停靠 retrieveDockableOfComponent(java.awt.Component组件) 
Retrieves the dockable of this dock that has the given component as content.检索此码头可停靠的内容具有特定的组成部分。


Parameters: 参数:
component - The component of the dockable that is retrieved in the tabbed pane. component -组件的可停靠的是检索窗格中的标签。
Returns: 返回:
The dockable in the given dock that has the given component as inner component, if it exists, null otherwise.该码头可停靠在给定的具有特定组成部分,因为内部组件,如果它存在,否则无效。

createComponentOfDockable createComponentOfDockable

protected javax.swing.JPanel createComponentOfDockable ( Dockable dockable)保护javax.swing.JPanel createComponentOfDockable( 可停靠停靠) 
Creates the component that contains the content of the dockable. If this method is overwritten retrieveDockableOfComponent(Component) should be made compatible.创建的组件,它包含的内容可停靠。如果这种方法被覆盖retrieveDockableOfComponent(Component)应当兼容。


Parameters: 参数:
dockable - The dockable for whicha a component has to be created. dockable -可停靠的whicha一个组件被创建。
Returns: 返回:
The component for the dockable.为可停靠的组成部分。

setSelectedDockable setSelectedDockable

public boolean setSelectedDockable ( Dockable dockable)公共布尔setSelectedDockable( 可停靠停靠) 
Selects the tab of the dockable. If the dockable is a composite, the selected dockable of the composite will be selected.可停靠的选项卡上选择的。如果是一个可停靠的复合材料,复合材料的选择停靠的将被选中。 If the composite doesn't have a selected dockable, the first child of the composite dockable is selected.如果没有一个综合选择停靠时,复合材料可停靠第一个孩子的选择。


Parameters: 参数:
dockable - The tab for this dockable should be selected. dockable -这可停靠的选项卡应该被选中。
Returns: 返回:
True if the dockable could be selected, false otherwise.如果真能选择停靠,否则为false。

getSelectedDockable getSelectedDockable

public Dockable getSelectedDockable ()市民可停靠 getSelectedDockable() 
Gets the dockable that is selected in the tab dock.获取可停靠的码头是在标签选择。


Returns: 返回:
The dockable that is selected in the tab dock.可停靠的码头是在标签选择。

getHeaderPosition getHeaderPosition

public int getHeaderPosition ()公众诠释getHeaderPosition() 

Gets the position where the headers of the dockables are placed.获取那里的dockables头放置的位置。

It should be one of the following values:它应该是以下值之一:


The default value is Position.TOP .默认值是Position.TOP


Returns: 返回:
The position where the headers of the dockables are placed.在那里的dockables头放置的位置。

setHeaderPosition setHeaderPosition

public void setHeaderPosition (int headerPosition)公共无效setHeaderPosition(诠释headerPosition) 

Sets the position where the headers of the dockables are placed.设置那里的dockables头放置的位置。

It should be one of the following values:它应该是以下值之一:



Parameters: 参数:
headerPosition - The position where the headers of the dockables are placed. headerPosition -的放置位置是在头dockables。
Throws: 抛出:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the given postion is not Position.TOP, Position.BOTTOM, Position.LEFT or Position.RIGHT. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -如果给定的位置不Position.TOP,Position.BOTTOM,Position.LEFT或Position.RIGHT。

getTabbedPane getTabbedPane

public javax.swing.JTabbedPane getTabbedPane ()公共javax.swing.JTabbedPane getTabbedPane() 
Gets the tabbed pane that contains the dockables.获取选项卡式窗格包含dockables。


Returns: 返回:
The tabbed pane that contains the dockables.该选项卡式窗格包含dockables。

getPriorityRectangle getPriorityRectangle

protected void getPriorityRectangle (java.awt.Rectangle rectangle)保护无效getPriorityRectangle(java.awt.Rectangle矩形) 
Computes the relative rectangle in this dock in which docking has priority. The given rectangle is set to the position and size of this priority rectangle.计算了相对优先在此停靠在矩形的对接。给定的矩形设置为矩形的位置和大小的这一重点。 This rectangle is calculated as follows:这个矩形的计算方法如下:
  • x = dock width * priorityRectangleRelativeLeftOffset x =船坞宽* priorityRectangleRelativeLeftOffset
  • y = dock height * priorityRectangleRelativeTopOffset为y =身高* priorityRectangleRelativeTopOffset码头
  • width = dock width * ( 1 - priorityRectangleRelativeLeftOffset - priorityRectangleRelativeRightOffset )码头宽*宽=(1 - priorityRectangleRelativeLeftOffset - priorityRectangleRelativeRightOffset)
  • height = dock height * ( 1 - priorityRectangleRelativeTopOffset - priorityRectangleRelativeBottomOffset )高度=码头高度*(1 - priorityRectangleRelativeTopOffset - priorityRectangleRelativeBottomOffset)


Parameters: 参数:
rectangle - The rectangle that will get the position and size of the priority rectangle for this dock. rectangle -矩形,将得到的位置和大小对这个码头的优先矩形。

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