
China to ensure success of emission reduction mission

 3gzylon 2010-06-14

China to ensure success of emission reduction mission

10:53, June 14, 2010      

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2010 marks the last year of the 11th Five-Year Plan. All missions set in the plan have to be accomplished by the end of the year. This, of course, includes the emission reduction mission. On Monday, China expressed its determination to accomplish the goal.

Li Yizhong, the Minister of Industry and Information, says the government will take iron-handed measures to ensure the success of the emission reduction.

The government set a 20 percent drop of energy consumption per unit of GDP. However, after over 4 years, the drop is only 14 percent. It is a big task to drop another 6 percent in half a year. That's why the government decided to step up measures to cut emissions.

Li said, by the end of June, all provinces should submit a list of failing corporations. By the end of July, we will publish all failed corporations to the public. These corporations will be forced to shut down by the end of the third quarter.

Due to the nation's economic recovery, energy consumption climbed in the last third and fourth quarters. In the first quarter this year, energy consumption kept on climbing.

Faced with these problems, the Industry and Information Ministry says serious measures, like higher electricity prices and the suspension of new projects, will be taken.

Source: CNTV.cn

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