

 旷谷幽兰 2010-08-15
环幕电影 circular-screen movie
环绕立体声 surround
换手率 turnover rate
还俗 "resume secular life, unfrock"
环太平洋地区 Pacific Rim
换休 change the day off
环保型汽车 environment-friendly car; eco-friendly car
环保专项治理 special projects to address serious environmental problems
换乘站 transfer stop; transfer station
黄标车 yellow label car (That will come at a time when "yellow label cars" - those heavy-polluting vehicles - have been cleaned up off the road after a more-than-two-years effort. 届时,黄标车(高污染排放车辆)将从路面上消失,这是持续两年多努力的结果。)
黄、赌、毒 "pornography, gambling and drug abuse and trafficking "
黄昏恋 twilight romance; romance of the elderly
(北爱尔兰)皇家警察部队 Royal Ulster Constabulary
黄金时段 prime time
(吃)皇粮 "public grainfunds, goods, etc provided by the government; salary paid by the state "
(农产品国内支持)"黄箱"措施 Amber Box measures
黄段子 dirty joke
黄金线路 hot travel route
黄牛票 scalped ticket (The senator overseeing Barack Obama's swearing-in ceremony said Monday that she's writing to Internet sites like eBay asking them not to sell scalped inauguration tickets. 负责奥巴马就职典礼的一位参议员10日称,她已给eBay等网站写信,要求网站不要倒卖就职典礼黄牛票。)
黄土高原 Loess Plateau
环太平洋 Pacific Rim
缓刑 suspended sentence (Zhou Zhenglong, the farmer found guilty of faking photographs of an endangered tiger, left Xunyang County Detention Center in Shaanxi for home Tuesday after a court handed down a suspended sentence as a result of an appeal. "华南虎案"被告周正龙二审获判缓刑后,18日离开陕西旬阳看守所,返回家中。)
环形线路 loop line
欢迎仪式 welcome ceremony
还愿 redeem a wish

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