

 rambert 2010-08-26

Guest: RHEL4U8 @ VirtualBox 3.1.4
HOST: Windows 7


1.出现此类问题, 凭经验, 应该是由防火墙引起的。
2.关闭Windows7 自带的防火墙, 果然正常了
3.Google之,查出问题是由“Windows 7 防火墙 默认防ping”的策略引起的

1. 直接关闭Windows 7 系统自带防火墙(极度不推荐
2. 添加自定义策略:
a. 在控制面板中打开“Windows Firewall” (Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Windows Firewall), 选择“Advanced Settings”
b. 右击“Inbound Rules”,选择“New Rule”,选“Custom”,下一步,选“All Programs”, 下一步,Protocol选择“ICMPv4”,下一步,设置本地和远端受限IP(根据情况设置,我这里设置 remote IP address 为IP段: 选 These IP Address,然后点Add添加Guest虚拟机所在的IP段), 下一步,默认, 下一步,默认,最后,输入防火墙规则名称和注释。
c. OK

参考此文: <http://www./enable-ping-reply-windows-7>

How to Enable Ping Reply in Windows 7

Ping Reply in Windows 7

Enable Ping Windows 7Indication: Your Windows 7 computer not responding for ping requests from other network devices.
‘Request Time Out’ message from Windows 7 Computer.
Windows 7 not responding for ICMP echo requests from other network devices.
All network sharings are working but ping is not working in Windows 7, so how to enable ping reply in Windows 7?

Reasons:  By default ICMP echo request, used for ping command is blocked in Windows 7 default firewall settings.

Solutions: in two methods you can solve this ping request reply problem in windows 7.

1) Disable the firewall completely in windows 7 which is not recommended.

2) Give exception for ICMP echo request to reply ping command in existing firewall rule, without disabling it in windows 7.


ICMP Rule in Windows 7

To create an exception rule for ICMP echo request in default firewall in windows 7, follow the steps.
These steps are similar to enable ping in Windows Vista
Also Check how to enable ping in Windows XP

1) Go to Windows Firewall in Control panel

Enable Ping Windows 7

You can see, Windows Firewall status is On. Click on Advanced settings in left side as mentioned above.

2) Select Inbound Rule, Right clink on it and select New Rule…

Enable Ping Windows 7

3) Select Custom (Custom Rule) at last and press Next.

4) Leave All programs and go to Next.

 Enable Ping Windows 7

 5) Click on Protocol type and select ICMP4 as shown below. ICMP4 is the protocol used in ping command when your network is communicating with IPv4. 


 How to Enable Ping Reply in Windows 7

6) Since we are going to apply this rule for any IP, means responds to any IP addresses coming with echo request, select ‘Any IP addresses’ in next screen. You can add specific IP addresses also, if you want your windows 7 computer to respond to them only for ICMP echo request (ping )


How to Enable Ping Reply in Windows 7

7) Allow the connection in next screen, press Next.

8) Keep the all three check boxes checked in the next screen, to apply this rule any type of network you connected.

9) Give a name to this rule. This name will be showing under Inbound Rules in Windows Firewall. In future you can delete the rule by this name.

 Enable Ping Windows 7

Click Finish.

10) That’s it; these are easy steps to enable ping in windows 7 and the rule will be immediately applied and appeared in inbound rules. Now, Windows 7 computer will be responding to ICMP echo ping requests without disabling or stopping the windows firewall.


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