

 十二木卡姆 2010-09-19

IV.             Ethnomusicology in North America: Historical Reflections

Alan P. Merriam, Alan P. 1969. “Ethnomusicology Revisited.” Ethnomusicology, Vol. 13, No. 2: 213-229.


主讲:高贺杰  专业:民族音乐学


演讲中的一些观点源于我所执教的印第安纳大学民族音乐学席明纳上的讨论,因此我要感谢半晌同学们给我的启发,他们小P、小M、还有Stephen A.Wild\Michael Williams等。

我希望能够澄清我们大家最关心的问题,写这篇文章我并无什么特殊的用意和论点,比如拯救人类学家、民族音乐学家、音乐学家等宏大思虑。save for musicologists, anthropologists, and ethnomusicologists as broad groupings.(虽然这句是让步,但也可以看出梅利亚姆的胃口)。我的目的是对这些领域(是MusicologyEthnomusicologyAnthropology?)的一般概括,试着解释为什么一些学者会专注于特殊的方法?(particular directions指的是什么?)像我一直所做的那样,我们想弥合表面上的分歧而领导建立起一个真正民族音乐学(E)的学科体系。

没有人会否认现在E出现了两个严重的分歧。从中我们看到了在E中迥然不同的研究,有的关注于自然历史过程、有的关注结构技法、有的重描述、有的重分析,当然还有一些什么也不是。我们的所做所为和我们秉承的理念、初衷是多么的不同。(Is ethnomusicology a discipline?如果是,那么学科的规范是什么?学科规范的基础又是什么?我们该怎么学习?) 我们对它的定义其实非常的宽泛,比如在文化中研究音乐(梅利亚姆1966研究非欧文明中人类的音乐(内特尔1956研究世界上所有听觉感知的声响(吉尔兹的个人交流)(1、在探讨E学科定义时,梅利亚姆引用的是自己著作中的主张,可以看出,他的AofM实际上是认同于E2、民族音乐学的社会科学视野,面对音乐,吉尔兹的解释明显要比内特尔的高一筹,所以,如果只看到音乐,那么就不会wild sight)。



先来看音乐学,当我在研究音乐学的一些讨论以及与了解周围同事研究的领域时,我发现一些困惑。武断的说,我觉得音乐学家们言行不一(what musicologists do and what they say they do, are often quite different things批判意味十足),当然这也许者出现在所有学科(打一巴掌揉一揉)。这也许是老传统,Willi Apel在《哈佛音乐辞典》解释音乐学条目时说有关音乐的科学(自然科学的定位,和人文科学的现实),然而与此同时他也说研究中出现了对音乐历史的研究。


而在引用时帕里斯卡则马上进行了系统的改变,这包括音响学、美学、生理学、心理学、教育学、音乐社会学等等,而这些都是与音乐学相关的领域而非音乐学的所属部分(as related fields and not as a part of musicology per se (pp. 102-16))。帕里斯卡界定的不是音乐学,而是对音乐学家进行了解释:音乐学家关注的是音乐的存在,包括书写的与口头的,也包括与之有关的社会背景,我便感到奇怪,老帕的解释与他曾建议的并不相同(很难自圆其说)












老梅进一步阐释,社会科学是把人作为社会动物(social animal)解决日常生活中的社会问题而人文学科则是在人们社会生活之外(beyond his social living)自我提炼出社会经验(老梅196424……作为社会体系的表达,这属于社会科学的研究。而人文学科则是研究个人的创造性为的产生。从这里我们也能看出二者的区别。

以上简要的阐释目的就是为了将人文学科和社会科学从方法和目标上进行区分,其实更多的讨论也都是为了要厘清一件事,音乐学和人类学从来不穿一样的衣服,关键的问题就是民族音乐学在说谎(ethnomusicology lies precisely hereP.219最后一段)。我努力在其中寻求切合点。不过现在先让我们再看看这两个不同的学科其研究、所关心的对于民族音乐学的影响。

这两者最显著的不同是对音乐的种类上。在民族音乐学中,音乐学家极为偏好对东方艺术音的研究,即所谓的艺术音乐或高文化音乐,如印度、阿拉伯、印度尼西亚等。而人类学倾向的民族音乐学家(anthropological ethnomusicologists),关注与对无文字(低文明)人群的研究,美国印第安、非洲、大洋洲土著人等。想想我一直跟你们说的这两个领域的主要倾向,其原因是不是很清楚了。让我们先看看音乐学家的兴趣。




音乐学研究之关心少量的艺术音乐、有书写历史、记谱体系的音乐。事实上,就是面对东方音乐很多音乐学家也用同样的方法对待,这个观点连老P都说过“……"Such a scholar is a musicologist in the same sense as a historian of Western music is, except that he specializes in a foreign musical culture" (Harrison, Hood, and Palisca 1963:107).






分歧出自于两个阵营对表演活动的认识,此外,涉及的理由,我认为一些民族音乐学家(在指胡德吗?)强调表演准确的说是因为这是他们早期训练的一部分,对于一部分音乐学家也一样。我相信在面对非西方音乐时,通过表演他们可以获得大量的感受,这是欣赏音乐,宽泛的讲他们也是一个听众而已。通过演奏时风格学习的不二法门。的确,学习演奏时这个领域的很好的方式。然而我却不这样想,就像J·M说的那样“the investigator's actual rendition of a native song will make him feel the emotions and perceive directly the aesthetic image ”











A、              关于音乐的观念;

B、 和音乐相关的行为;

C、 音乐本身;



















Merriam是美国民族音乐学中走人类学偏向的学科领先人物。他提出的“to study music as (in) culture”研究取向和“musical sound – behavior – conceptualization”的理论框架为美国民族音乐学提供了以人类学视野研究音乐文化的主导理论思维。

Structure of the Article


Background circumstances

Aim of the article

Horns of a Bifurcated Dilemma (musicology and anthropology)

         Musicology (5 approaches)

         Anthropology (4 branches, 3 concerns5 characteristics)

         Humanities (musicology) and Science (anthropology): 5 basic differences

Ethnomusicology, Musicology and Anthropology

         Kinds of music being studied






p. 213

In writing this paper I had no particular individuals or groups of individuals in mind, save for musicologists, anthropologists, and ethnomusicologists as broad groupings. My aim was to generalize about these fields, and by isolating what I felt to be their major orientations, to attempt to explain why particular groups of scholars concentrate their efforts in particular directions. 【是吗?文章似乎只有对音乐学的批评而没“explain” As always, it seems to me that understanding who we are and why we do what we do will help to minimize the apparent differences of approach among us and perhaps lead to the establishment of a true discipline of ethnomusicology. 【这里的“us”指的是本段前面的“musicologists, anthropologists, and ethnomusicologists”,似乎意味着三者是一家。但全文没给读者这个感觉,更多的是分家之说。】


Horns of a Bifurcated Dilemma (musicology and anthropology)

l          Musicology (five approaches)

p. 213 – 214

, some analytic, and even some which seem to be none of these… Is ethnomusicology a discipline? And if it is, what is the nature of that discipline, what are the principles on which it is based, and what is it seeking to learn? Our definitions of the field vary widely, from “the study of music in culture,” (Merriam 1960) Merriam后来扩展到“the study of music as culture”through “the science that deals with the music of peoples outside of Western civilization” (Nett1 1956:1), to “the study of those world musics which are aurally transmitted” (Gillis : personal communication). 【怎么不提Hood“the study of music within its cultural contexts”呢?】

p. 214

…the major difficulty lies in the fact that ethnomusicology…made up of two established disciplines trying uneasily to find a modus vivendi. The two major disciplines…are musicology and anthropology…it would be easy to add several others to the pot we call ethnomusicology – history, psychology, physics, physiology, sociology, philosophy, and perhaps some others as well. 【对学科的平面认知!】At the start, then, it appears that ethnomusicology is essentially a catch-all discipline, “catch-all”?就是因为如同Merriam的这种对学科的定位的平面概念,导致学科失去了核心,所以在学科认同(discipline identity)上纠缠不清!】but for our purposes let me restrict the discussion to the two major bodies of knowledge which cause the basic difficulty – musicology and anthropology…. What do students of musicology see as their major goals? What is the main direction of interest in anthropology? Where do these fit together? And most important, what is it in the training procedures of the two disciplines which give musicologists and anthropologists such different perspectives when each approaches the problems of ethnomusicology? 【人类学的研究对象并不是音乐,如以所谓的文化关注来说两者的“approaches the problems of ethnomusicology”,那么社会学、语言学等人文社科学科便也是在“approach the problems of ethnomusicology”了?!】

p. 214

Turning first to musicology, I find myself somewhat bemused when I read discussions about what musicology is and when I seek a better understanding by talking with my colleagues in the field. Merriam的第一个攻击,对象是音乐学“bemused”?可能人家也觉得你这个民族音乐学是可笑呢。在没搞清楚什么是“musicology”之前便把它视为对立的】To put the matter rather flatly, I find that what musicologists do and what they say they do, are often quite different things, though that may be true in all disciplines. “they”?文章的开场白可是用的是“us”,似乎是想扮演一个包容的态度。但这里却用把音乐学分界为“they” 究竟是谁在说一套做一套呢?】

p. 215

…My musicologist friends at Indiana University tell me that a more modern statement of what musicology is and does is to be found in the more recent book, Musicology, co-authored by Messrs. Harrison, Hood and Palisca (1963), and I am happy to agree. But I run across confusing obstacles here, too. 【难道民族音乐学没有confusion?如果它没有混淆,为何自50年代有了民族音乐学这名称以来的50多年后,我们仍然需要澄清它是什么?民族音乐学的混淆,可能没其他学科可以与它比美Merriam的这一段对音乐学的批评,与他前言所说的“minimize the apparent differences of approach…”是背道而驰的;他前言中的所谓“lead to the establishment of a true discipline of ethnomusicology”,其“true”,看来只是他眼中的“ethnomusicology”才是“true ethnomusicology”!】

p. 216

What I gain from a reading of musicologists, and from discussing musicology with friends in the field, is that musicology is characterized by five basic points of approach: 1) musicology is concerned in the main with Western art music; 2) it sees sharp distinctions between what are most often called “art” and “primitive” music, based primarily on the presence or absence of a written literature and so-called “developed” theory; 3) it is specifically humanistic, and excludes, except as tangential or related fields, the sciences; 4) it is essentially historical; 5) it views as its study-object music per se. 【片面之词。同学回顾一下Adler对音乐学的构图便知。我到觉得Merriam的批评暴露了人类学背景的他,对音乐学的认识是不全面的,且具偏见。人类学背景的他,使他缺乏对音乐历史的概念,也不能接受音乐中“works of art”的存在。】

l          Anthropology (4 branches, 3 concerns/5 characteristics)

p. 216

We must begin in anthropology by differentiating among its four major branches. Archaeology deals with the physical, and increasingly with inferences about the social remains of extinct cultures. Physical anthropology examines the biology of man through time. Anthropological linguistics seeks an understanding of the structure and function of the languages of man, and social and cultural anthropology attempt to understand why man behaves as he does. Three major concerns override all four fields of specialization in anthropology, however. First, anthropology… looks at all men everywhere, regarding any particular group of men as but a single variable in human behavior as a whole. 【他所见的,是只有群体,不见个人的“all men”Second, it seeks an understanding of all men everywhere through all of man’s time on earth. 【除了考古学,其他三个对民族音乐学有直接影响的分支,基本上都是对现在的研究,何来“all of man’s time on earth”?说一套做一套。】And third, it seeks its information through the methods of science and regards itself as a social science.

pp. 216 – 217

. 【从这里可以看到北美学界文化中的理论、轻描述偏见。在此,Merriam也以此偏见来批评他认为是描述性的历史音乐学。但是,无论他以为人类学是何等的科学化理论化,拆去了包装,实质上最终仍然是对的描述!】 Thus anthropology does depend upon the scientific method, but more importantly it identifies itself not only with the procedures of science but with its goals as well. Science begins with observation and experimentation…, moves through repetition and verification (in anthropology often expressed through the comparative method), to classification of observations, formulation of hypotheses, prediction of further experimentation, testing of predictions, and the verification or modification of hypotheses. 【这早就是Adler时期的从所周知、而且谁都在用着的方法学了。正如比较不是只有比较音乐学才有的一样,这种“observation – verification – classification – hypotheses”也不是只有人类学才有的。】

p. 217

In respect to ethnomusicology…social and cultural anthropology have had the greatest impact…. music is usually conceived of in anthropology as a cultural activity …thus the ideas and theories of social and cultural anthropology are brought to the forefront in connection with ethnomusicology .

We can, then, characterize anthropology…: 1) anthropology is concerned with all peoples at all times; 【真的吗?】 2) it sees all aspects of human culture and society as a single interacting set of variables; 【这是没有个人的 3) it is specifically scientific in its orientation; 4) its methodology is partly historical, but primarily scientific; 5) it views its study-object as an understanding of human behavior. 【这里是p. 216的重复,但前面的3个人类学关注,在这里重复时变成了5个特征。结构逻辑有些问题】

l          Humanities (musicology) and Science (anthropology): 5 basic differences

The humanities【指历史音乐学】and social sciences【指人类学 have been differentiated in the past on five major bases: the differences between the artist and the social scientist, 【这中两分,同学们可以联想到上一篇Nettl的文章中提及的“doers”“talkers”,我认为是很遗憾的概念】and the differences between the methods, results, activities, and content of the two areas of concentration. 【这,也是Merriam的书里第一章所用的比较】You will perhaps recall that the difference between the artist and the social scientist is what each communicates; that is, the artist communicates feelings while the scientist communicates knowledge. 【感性和理性。同学可以考虑一下,在对待音乐(关及人的creativeness)之时,两者如何平衡?我们要单纯从去了解音乐,还是从去了解音乐?】 Given what I have attempted to establish above, the musicologist, then, has as a central task the communication of that kind of knowledge which will enable the artist to communicate feeling. The anthropologist, on the other hand, has no obligation to such an intervening personage as the artist; it is his task only to communicate knowledge“knowledge”不包括人的感受?】in any way he sees fit and to whatever audience suits him. This seems a crucial difference to me in assessing the two fields.

p. 218

Since music per se is the study-object of the musicologist, his ultimate task is to communicate music, which he must do through the artist. Since the study object of the social and cultural anthropologist…is an understanding of human behavior, he is under no obligation to communicate music as such, or its feelings – to the contrary, his task is to communicate knowledge about music…. 【音乐作为人类文化中的产物,它是有一个社会化的过程的,Adler对音乐学的构图已经清楚理解到这一点。Merriam在这里把产物过程分别拿来等同音乐学和人类学,其合理性和逻辑见仁见智。】 Crucial here is the study-object; what results from the particular concentration in the two fields is a sharply different set of obligations.

Within this framework the methods used are of little concern to us, for scholars in either field may use any methodology deemed appropriate to their task, and scholars in both may use the same methodology. …anthropologists use both scientific and historical methodology and so do musicologistsit is the results achieved that provide us with another characterizing difference between the humanities, as represented by musicology, and the social sciences, as represented by anthropology. 【这些要点反复重复了几次了】

p. 219

This brief examination of the methods and goals of the humanities and social sciences indicates that the two areas of study do differ from each other… Musicology and anthropology are not cut of the same cloth, and the crucial problem for ethnomusicology lies precisely here… the thrusts of these two disciplines move in different directions, and if I am correct in this then we should expect to find that the two approaches to ethnomusicology must differ, and in predictable ways. Let us turn, then, to the studies and concerns of each discipline as reflected in ethnomusicology.


Ethnomusicology, Musicology and Anthropology

l          Kinds of music being studied

p. 220

One of the most noticeable differences between the two is the kinds of music they study. The musicologists in ethnomusicology have a strong predilection for Oriental art music, and in general, … “fine art” music of …“high” cultures, i.e., India, Arabia, Indonesia, and so forth. The anthropological ethnomusicologists, on the other hand, have concentrated most of their attention on the music of …“non-literate” peoples, that is, American Indians, Africans, peoples of Oceania, and so forth…Let us look at musicologists and their interests first. 【这是Merriam自己(或他那个时代)的分类,同学在NettlMyer等人的有关民族音乐学的专著中可以知道,如此概念已给时间淘汰。我们可以略过Merriam的这个不同点。】

p. 221

I do see one other difference, …that anthropology is concerned with all peoples at all times. Thus, the anthropological ethnomusicologist is probably more receptive to a broad listing of the kinds of music he will study …than the musicologist. I see this receptivity in the anthropological definitions of ethnomusicology in which stress is laid on working with all music rather than non-Western music alone.... In sum, the training and attitudes of both fields move students toward particular world areas and particular kinds of societies.

pp. 221 – 222

A second notable difference between the two approaches is found in the conceptualized study-object of each which, for the musicologist, is music per se, and for the anthropologist, human behavior and the study of music as an aspect of culture. As a result of this focus the musicologist tends to emphasize structural and particularistic studies of music performance or style. That this focus is evident in the work of musicological ethnomusicologists 【这是文章中的第二个攻击,对象是Hood,把Hood带上了一顶“musicological ethnomusicologist”的帽子。】hardly needs documentation, and the extent to which it may be carried is demonstrated by Mantle Hood when he writes that “. . .we may state categorically that a thorough stylistic analysis of music – whether Western or non-Western – must be founded on the most accurate and detailed information that the imagination of the investigator and the marvels of an electronic age can produce” [Hood’s italics] (Harrison, Hood, and Palisca 1963:273). The basic objective here is clearly music as music…. The relationship of music to the rest of culture is not the objective of the musicological ethnomusicologist. 【如果我们回顾Adler对音乐学的构图,我们可以知道,Adler的音乐学并不是没有考虑到文化!另外,在研究音乐的过去的时候,田野在那里?田野应该不是Merriam或人类学家所熟悉的那种田野了(当然他们是不会明白的)。而且,Hood从来没有说过他不关注音乐的文化问题,只是他提倡的是从音乐切入,在文化中理解而已。Merriam是见而不闻呢,还是故意误导?】

For the anthropologist the essential study–object is the understanding of human behavior, and in this context the anthropological ethnomusicologist sees all aspects of human culture and society as a single set of variables. Thus for him music is viewed differently…In the first place, music as such is probably less important, for it is but a single kind of expressive behavior among many. And second, music is inevitably a product produced through the medium, as in the case of all human products, of a number of kinds of conceptualizations and behaviors. Thus the anthropologist is trained not only to focus upon a single problem or a single kind of behavior, in this case music, but to view it in the context of an entire culture, all parts of which impinge in multiple ways upon what he is studying in particular. He should be virtually incapable of seeing music as an isolate, then, and conversely, it is his specific task to see music in a broad context. Finally, since he is attempting to understand music as human behavior he is less likely to direct his entire attention on what to him is a product of behavior. I am reminded in this connection of Carl Friedrich’s statement that “the focus of the humanities is upon . . . the products of man . . . whereas the focus of the social sciences is upon the way men live together” (Parker 196 1 :16). The anthropological ethnomusicologist sees the sound of music as but one part of a complex of activities, conceptualizations, and behaviors connected with music; the musicological ethnomusicologist sees music sound as the precise focus of his attention. 【音乐是产品和过程,这才是音乐学研究对象的应有概念!】

pp. 222 – 223

A third difference in ethnomusicological approach concerns the emphasis, or lack of it, placed upon performance of the music studied…. If I am correct in my understanding that musicology holds music per se as its study-object, and that the central concern of musicology is to provide the artist with music to perform, then it is not surprising that performance assumes substantial importance in musicological ethnomusicology…On the other hand, this is not the anthropologist’s central concern. His object is not to recreate the cultures he studies for an audience; his job is to analyze what he observes and elicits and to communicate knowledge about it…【这就又要回到上一篇Nettl文章中描述美国的所谓学者认为他们应该是讲者,而不是做者的问题了。按Merriam的说法,看来我们要把我在北美读书时音乐圈里用来讥笑音乐学的名句(“those who cannot play, study musicology”)移去北美民族音乐学者中的人类学偏向的讲者身上了:“those who cannot play, study ‘anthro’-ethnomusicology”。补充:“performance practice”演奏习惯的研究是历史音乐学的研究课题之一】Learning a style 进一步攻击Hood双重音乐感teaches the performer a good deal about that style which may be obtainable in no other way. It is also true that performance is an excellent methodological device in the field. I do not, however, share Jose Maceda’s belief that “the investigator’s actual rendition of a native song will make him feel the emotions and perceive directly the aesthetic image . . .” of the music (Maceda 1966:224).  【再一个攻击!菲律宾学者Maceda(已故)是UCLA Hood阵营的成员,是Merriam的所谓的音乐学倾向的民族音乐学学者,在这里也免不了要受到Merriam的攻击。明显的,Merriam反对的不只是Maceda的这一句话,他是在攻击Hood双重音乐感,一个当时普受学界认同的概念。】Neither do I believe that performance is more than one contributory mode of understanding a music. Hood没说过双重音乐感是唯一理解音乐的途径】In short, I have never had any objection to performance in ethnomusicology except as it has tended to overshadow other aspects of our study, and as exaggerated claims for its importance have been made. 【念来有些吃醋的味道】Performance is and will continue to be a useful part of ethnomusicology, but because of the factors I have tried to make clear it always have greater appeal for the musicologist than for the anthropologist. 【十分荒唐的强辩!这那里是在合二为一啊!说一套做一套。】

pp. 223 – 224


Assuming that Hood’s statements represent a prevalent view in musicological ethnomusicology, I think it is safe to say that anthropologists would disagree. In my own view, it is never too early to suggest hypotheses and lines of further inquiry. 【为了攻击Hood,这里到读来好像Merriam是赞同比较音乐学的宏观比较了?那么,比较音乐学是否算是人类学视野的民族音乐学呢“anthropological ethnomusicology”呢?不明!】 This is, after all, the principle upon which science and the accumulation of knowledge is predicated. 【总算看到可以认同的东西了。即是,学科的宏观目的(对的研究)必须通过比较获得。】The building and subsequent destruction of hypotheses and principles always leaves us with more accurate and greater knowledge; 【那么Merriam就应该对前期欧洲比较音乐学的贡献给予肯定】the intellectual process demands that we constantly attempt to order our understanding and make it more precise; failure and subsequent correction are a necessary part of the procedure.

pp. 224 – 225

A fifth difference between the two fields concerns their relative hospitality to the investigations of related disciplines. Here again I find musicology to be essentially inhospitable, and cite as part of my evidence Palisca’s careful stripping away of “acoustics, aesthetics, physiology, psychology, pedagogy, musical sociology, and anthropology” from the main body of musicology, treating them as “related fields” but not as central concerns. 【对学科的立体定位是学科认同(discipline identity)的基本;就是Merriam式的多学科平面排列使民族音乐学主客不分,搞不清自己究竟是什么学。】

The anthropologist, on the other hand, welcomes the investigations of sister disciplines and tends to borrow whatever he can master from them which throws light on the problem he is pursuing. Anthropologists have thus been forced to learn all they could from their sister disciplines and have welcomed all the assistance they could get. Thus, where musicologists seem to defend the purity of their discipline, anthropologists use anything they can get their hands on… result is inevitably a broad scope which extends far beyond the study of music sound. 【另一个结果是,什都不是,什么都不象,外行充内行。】

…I would expect the musicological ethnomusicologist to be far more preoccupied with the history of ethnomusicology than he apparently is. We badly need histories, and particularly histories of ideas, in ethnomusicology, but I do not know of any such activity. Far too few of us, for example, know what von Hornbostel really did, and I hope very much that this will become a matter of concern for ethnomusicology in the near future. I suspect that musicologists are more likely to pursue this kind of investigation than are anthropologists. 【对的】

pp. 225 – 226

l          Resolution

…I would like to turn now to the possible resolution of these differences. As we stand today we are but two disciplines looking for a joint home….

I wish to suggest once again a theoretical research model which can serve our area of common concern but which has not been clearly understood; this is the model proposed four years ago in The Anthropology of Music (Merriam 1964:32-35)…I propose a model based on three analytic levels: conceptualizations about music, behavior in relation to music, and music sound itself, with the first and third levels connected to provide for the constantly changing, dynamic nature exhibited by all music systems. The sound system has structure, but it must be regarded as the product of the behavior that produces it. Behavior includes physical, social, verbal, and learning aspects, but it, in turn, arises out of the conceptualizations which underlie it…. The product, however, feeds back upon concepts, and it either reinforces or changes them in accordance with what society conceives its values about music to be. 【基本上就是思想conceptualizations about music)(和行为behavior in relation to music, and music sound itself)。注意:国内有人把“music sound itself”翻译成音声声音,都不对!Merriam“music sound”,只是音乐。他之所以如此用,只是想表示他概念中的音乐,有狭义(音乐本身)和广义(音乐作为文化)两各含义。他在The Anthropology of Musicology一书的行文中更多用的只是“music”。我在仪式中音声的研究所提出的音声概念,完全不是Merriam“music sound”,希望国内学者不要继续制造两者之间的混淆!】

I am well aware of the fact that the model has been criticized by my fellow ethnomusicologists, but the grounds for criticism do not always seem justified for me. Bruno Nettl, for example (1966), 【转换目标,攻击Nettl了!】 feels that I have suggested ethnomusicology must irrevocably be split into two camps, and that the musicologically oriented scholar must concentrate upon music sound while the anthropologically oriented scholar continues on his merry way of studying music as human behavior. Nothing could be further from the truth, for while music is human behavior it is also music, and the model was deliberately constructed to take both into account. I should like to quote a further passage from The Anthropology of Music which I feel has been consistently overlooked:

It should be emphasized that the parts of the model presented above are not conceived as distinct entities separable from one another on any but the theoretical level...They are presented individually here in order to emphasize the parts of the whole…. (Merriam 1964:35)


p. 227

I do not see how I could state more clearly my belief that ethnomusicology is neither “the anthropology of music,” nor “the music of music” – it is both. Without “the anthropology of music,” ethnomusicology becomes simply musicology with an areal bias; without “the music of music,” ethnomusicology becomes simply the anthropology of a particular aspect of culture. 【注意:这是Merriam自己的表白!但国内仍然有以MerriamThe Anthropology of Music书名为依据,把“the anthropology of music”“ethnomusicology”混为一谈,译成音乐人类学,甚至把它鼓吹为学科!】

A second criticism of the model has been made on the ground that it is anthropological and that it relegates musicology to an inferior position – this view has been taken in a recent article by Kolinski (1967)…. Again nothing could be further from the truth; while the model was suggested by an anthropologist, and while it clearly grows out of anthropological training and interests, it considers fully the work done by what Kolinski chooses to call the “comparative musicologist.” Indeed, Kolinski's insistence on the importance of studying human physiology and its effect as a common base from which music springs for all humanity is, to make a poor joke, “music to my ears.” 【确实是一个馊笑话】My insistence, once again, is that all factors must be considered in ethnomusicology...

My view is that what we are looking for in ethnomusicology is what we are always looking for – that methodology which will give us the most substantial results in the most economical and reliable way. We wish to understand everything we can about our object of study; we know that we must bring to bear upon it every technique and every body of knowledge we can if we are to reach the broad understanding we must seek. 【说一套做一套】

pp. 227 – 228

Perhaps you and I will never reach that understanding; perhaps some of us will always remain musicologists and some of us anthropologists, but we do have one bright hope, and that is our students… see ethnomusicology as ethnomusicology, and not as a presently existing pair of disciplines tossing darts at each other… But until we revise our own thinking we are going to continue to have two camps, each wary of the other, and not, in fact, doing ethnomusicology but musicological ethnomusicology and anthropological ethnomusicology, and this must not be what any of us seeks. 【仍是说一套做一套。整篇文章给读者的感受是以人类学为重的两分。】





Levels in Merriam’s Model                         Anthropological Correspondence

Music sound itself                      Material

Behavior about Music                                Social

(physical, social, verbal)

Conceptualization about Music                Cultural or ideational aspects of human


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