来源How to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking 译者jacqueline_sj It’s no secret that public speaking ranks high on the list of people’s number one fears. 毫无疑问,人们对公共演讲的恐惧绝对列在恐惧排行榜的前列。 However, how to overcome fear of public speaking still remains a mystery for most. It doesn’t have to be that way. In this article I’ll talk about some very effective ways to overcome this common fear. One of the best ways to overcome a fear is to first understand it. 然而,如何克服公共演讲的恐惧至今对多数人来说还是个谜。其实克服公共演讲的恐惧并没有想象中困难。在这篇文章中,我会着重提到几种克服对公众演讲恐惧的方法。 The real fear behind public speaking is a deeply rooted in the world-wide human need to be accepted and feel significant. These fears become amplified when you stand in front of a crowd. No one wants to fail or look dumb in front of others. 我们畏惧公共演讲的真实原因是人类共有的想被认同感与存在感。当站在众人面前,这种恐惧就会被过度扩大,因为没人想在他人面前出丑丢脸。 Once we have accepted our fear and understand where it came from, we can now begin to come up with some ideas on how to overcome fear of public speaking. 一旦认识到了恐惧的来源,我们就能立刻采取行动来克服公共演说的恐惧。 One of the most useful ways I’ve ever heard of when it comes to addressing fear is the acronym. F.E.A.R. It stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. This is very accurate as most fears are imagined. The ones who become the most successful are the ones’ who have the courage to stand and act despite their fears. 我所听说的最常用于表示恐惧的称呼是其畏惧空想症,首字母缩写为F.E.A.R.畏惧空想症是指多数我们的恐惧都是想象出来的。那些成功人士都是不惧内心恐惧,最敢于实践想法的人。 Believe it or not, this is something everyone can do. We are all born with more control over our feelings and emotions than we think. 不管你信不信,任何人都能克服恐惧。我们生来就具有比想象中更强的控制自我能力。 Lastly, one of the ways you can begin to overcome your fear of public speaking is through a practice called mental rehearsal. This exercise consists of you writing down how you would like your presentation to go in great detail. Picture yourself doing an excellent job – the audience laughing at your jokes – you telling captivating stories, etc. 最后,你可以通过一种内心演练的练习方式来逐渐克服公众演讲的恐惧。步骤如下:首先你要详细地写下准备演讲的方式。想象自己让这件事很精彩地进行着--譬如,观众们因你有趣的故事,笑得前俯后仰等等。 Then, re-read your sheet at once before you go to bed and once when you wake up for a few days prior to your speech. 其次,每天睡觉前诵读一次你的讲稿,然后到了临近演讲那几天,每天一醒,限度遍讲稿。 If you’re interested in learning more about how to overcome fear of public speaking, we highly suggest you engage in a training course specifically designed to help you become a better public speaker. The better you become at speaking, the more your fears will begin to disappear. 如果你想要了解更多关于怎样克服公众演讲的信息,我们强烈建议您参报一个特别为训练演讲达人的培训课程。只要对演讲约在行,那么恐惧也就随之消减。 Click Here to Learn to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking Forever Using Proven Principles 点击这里了解更过终身适用于克服公众演讲的信息。