
White House to utilize solar energy

 3gzylon 2010-10-06

White House to utilize solar energy

13:39, October 06, 2010      

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The White House will install solar panels to provide electricity and heat water for the first family and its staff, Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced Tuesday.

"There will be solar panels and a solar hot water heater on the roof of the White House" by the end of spring of 2011, Chu announced in an entry in the department's official blog.

Chu said these solar installations will be part of a Department of Energy demonstration project. The project will be used to show that U.S. solar technology is "available, reliable, and ready to install in homes throughout the country."

He said President Barack Obama has a strong commitment to "solar technologies and the jobs they will create," and through the Recovery Act, the administration is supporting the deployment of such technologies, doubling renewable energy generation capacity of the country by 2012.

Source: Xinhua
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