

 笑熬浆糊糊 2010-10-12
来源10 Things That Changed the Way We Eat - Newsweek

10 Things That Changed the Way We Eat

A Food Revolution, From Microwaves to Mickey D's



The basic process of eating has remained unaltered throughout humanity's history: chew, swallow, digest. But of course, what we put in our mouths, and how we find it, has evolved a great deal over the last century. To help us track that evolution--from Julia Child to Guy Fiere, from cookbooks to allrecipes.com--we picked the brains of two professional foodies: cookbook author Barbara "B" Smith, and restaurateur Michel Nischan. Together, they helped us compile a juicy list of 10 things that changed the way we eat. Bon appetit!

Italians brought pasta, Japanese brought sushi, and Mexicans brought tacos. Indeed, when we talk about America as a melting pot, we're not just referring to demographics. A rich history of immigration has made the U.S. one of the most culinarily eclectic places in the world, with American urban centers offering diners the chance to experience pretty much any taste. (For exhibit A, try Googling "Afghan food in Queens.") And as America has become more diverse, so have chefs' palates. "A couple years ago, at an American hotel, we had lion," Smith says. "It was pretty good."

意大利人带来了面食,日本人带来了寿司,而墨西哥人带来的是玉米面豆卷。 当我们在谈论美国就像一个大熔炉的时候,那可并不仅仅是指人口特征。丰富的移民历史使美国成为了世界上兼收并蓄美食最多的国家之一,因为用餐者可以在美国的城市中心获得体验任何一种美食的机会(为了展示其中一种美食,试试Google一下“皇后区的阿富汗食物”)。随着美国变得越来越多元化,那些厨师长们的味觉也变得丰富起来。“几年前在美国的酒店里,我们可以吃到狮子,”史密斯说,“那是相当的美味。”

Microwave Ovens
Microwave Ovens
Pictorial Parade-Getty Images

Photo: In 1966, a woman demonstrates the Litton Series 500 microwave oven.
When Raytheon developed the first microwave oven--installed in a Boston restaurant in 1947--it was almost 6 feet tall, weighed 750 pounds, and cost several thousand dollars. The technology proved effective at quickly heating food, and within a few years companies were selling commercial models. Unfortunately, the high price, enormous size, and energy inefficiency prevented it from really catching on with consumers until the late '60s. Eventually, the ubiquity of the microwave spawned a steady stream of ready-to-cook TV dinners and, more recently, microwavable health food.


Julia Child
Julia Child

For years, the conventional wisdom among cookbook publishers was that Americans were uninterested in learning to prepare fancy foreign foods. Julia Child turned that notion on its head when she released Mastering the Art of French Cooking, a book that propelled her to national fame as she led a new generation of American cooks in making French cuisine from scratch. "Julia Child demystified cooking," said Marc Pachter, director of the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History, in 2002. "She came into our homes and showed us that cooking, especially French cooking, was fun and something that anyone could do in their own home." To pay respect to the godmother of celebrity chefs, the Smithsonian erected a life-sized replica of Child's kitchen, which was made famous in her various TV cooking shows.


Fast Food
事件四、快餐食品Fast Food

Offering irresistibly convenient service, chains like McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, and Taco Bell have become staples for hungry on-the-go commuters. But for some, filling up on greasy, caloric food isn't a choice. Studies have shown that poor neighborhoods tend to have less access to fresh produce and other healthy foods, while fast-food restaurants can be found on almost every corner. The result? One super-sized generation.


The Food Network

事件五、美食节目The Food Network


Are you more of a Guy Fieri or a Rachael Ray in the kitchen? The rise of the Food Network, which was founded in 1993 and is watched in more than 90 million households, has made that question a relevant one for many home cooks. "It's almost like a menu," says Smith. "Somebody is watching, and they're like, 'I want to be more like him,' or 'I'm more like her.' They want to mimic their favorite celebrity chefs." And they do, through an entire ecosystem of Food Network products, cookbooks, and, of course, shows.


First Government Food Pyramid


First Government Food Pyramid

The federal government has been trying for almost a century to get Americans to eat better. In 1916, the U.S. Department of Agriculture published its first set of guidelines, titled "Food for Young Children." In 1943, the agency divided food into seven complex groups, which, by the 1970s, had been simplified and reorganized into five. But it wasn't until the USDA released the iconic 1992 food pyramid that the government finally found a shorthand that stuck. The chart was hung in classrooms throughout the country, and millions of children memorized the basic food groups. Nutritionists have long disputed the merits of the pyramid (do we really need all those carbs?), but there's no denying the impact it's had on our national awareness of how to eat healthy. In 2005, the USDA released the revamped MyPyramid and an accompanying Web site designed to help people develop personalized healthy-eating plans.



The Obesity Epidemic

事件七、肥胖症The Obesity Epidemic

According to federal data, 68 percent of adults in the United States 20 years and older are overweight or obese. You have probably heard that figure or one like it countless times in recent years. The obesity epidemic, which has worsened in the past decade, has made us rethink what we're putting in our mouths. "With all these figures coming out, there are a lot more drivers working to educate people on the importance of healthy eating," says Nischan.
The Great Recession
事件八、大萧条The Great Recession

The Great Recession has created a newly frugal consumer willing to forsake the luxury of eating out in order to pay the bills. But Nischan says the penny-pinching has actually helped his Connecticut restaurant, Dressing Room. That's because it's a "homegrown" eatery that uses only locally grown ingredients to produce its dishes. When you buy a salad at Dressing Room, you're not only supporting the in-house chef who made it, you're supporting the local farmer who grew the vegetables. "If there's been a positive thing that's come out of the recession, it's that people are a lot more aware of how they spend their money," Nischan says.



The Internet

事件九、互联网The Internet

The Internet would probably qualify on any list of things changed Americans' behavior substantially. In this case, recipe websites, restaurant guides like Yelp, and easy-access nutritional information provide foodies and casual diners alike with more information at their fingertips than they could get in 1,000 four-course meals. "People can do research now and find locally grown food more easily, find which restaurants to eat at, [and] research health benefits," Nischan says.


The Organic Craze


The Organic Craze

Is organic food actually healthier than genetically modified fare, or is it all just hype? The fight to answer that question has been raging for years now, with both sides using studies to bolster their arguments. Whatever the answer may be, the organic food and beverage industry has grown from $1 billion in 1990 to almost $25 billion in 2009, when more than a 10th of all produce sold was organically grown. So even if no one can agree on the health benefits, there's one thing that can't be denied--organic is something people are willing to pay for.









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