“创意跟效率的关系其实要大于它跟天赋的关系,这是个事实。进的死胡同够多以后,才能找到一些可行的路。这其实是个数字游戏。”——罗伯特·苏顿(Robert Sutton,Google及Wiki搜索结果为哈佛大学理工学院管理科学教授)
Do you ever wonder what makes a person creative? Have you ever thought about what it takes to make great ideas a reality? For the past few years I’ve been fascinated with what makes the most effective companies and people of our day successful. 你曾想过是什么东西使得一个人有创意吗?你曾想过把那些很棒的想法变成现实,要付出多少代价吗?在过去几年里,我一直研究的问题是,到底是什么使得现今最有效率的公司和个人获得成功。 I recently finished the terrific book, Making Ideas Happen by Scott Belsky the founder and CEO of Behance. 最近我读完了一本非常棒的书,由Behance网站(网站致力于提供一个国际领先的平台,让创意人士能被广为认识并得到工作)创办者兼CEO,司各特·贝尔斯基(Scott Belsky)写的《让想法实现》(Making Ideas Happen)。 Despite having read nearly 50 personal development books over the past two years, I found Making Ideas Happen (not an affiliate link), to be refreshing and full of powerful insights. The book especially spoke to the perfectionist side of me, and encouraged me to finally begin a few projects I have been putting off for far too long. 虽然在过去的两年时间里,我读了几近50本关于个人发展的书籍,但《让想法实现》这本书让我耳目一新,里面还包含了许多有力的观点。书中特别谈到了跟我有关的完美主义,深深鼓舞了我,让我终于着手开始那些被我晾在一边许久的项目。 The book takes an in depth look at some of the most creative companies around today, including giants like Zappos and Apple, as well the secrets of what makes the team of Behance so successful. 这本书深入地观察了当下某些最具创意的公司,包括像Zappos(网络搜索结果为经营男女服饰、鞋品等的网站)和苹果这样的巨头,还道出了Behance团队成功的秘诀。 The book is split into 3 parts which I feel helped effectively communicate the overall message. 书分为三部分,而我认为这样的划分,使得信息的传递更加明确有效。 Making Ideas = (The idea) + Organization and Execution + Forces of Community + Leadership Capability 实现想法=想法+组织力及行动力+旁人的力量+领导力 Organization: Without a doubt one of the most common traits of “creative” individuals, is the relentless desire for organization. Are you organized? Can you keep the bigger picture insight? 组织力:毫无疑问,有“创意”的人最常见的特点,就是他们都具有非常强的组织力。你做事是否也很有条理?你能纵观全局吗? Community: Community also plays a significant role in making ideas reality. Rarely can great ideas happen without the help of others. Is your community helping or holding you back? 身边的人:在实现想法时,你身边的人也扮演着重要的角色。没有别人从旁相助,多好的想法都不会成真。身边的人是你的东风还是绊脚石? Leadership: When all is said and done, turing an idea into an actionable goal all comes down to accepting responsibility for what you create. Can you take the leadership needed to succeed? Can you take responsibility for your successes as well as failures? 领导力:最后,把想法转变为可行的目标可以归结为,负起创造的责任。你具备了走向成功的领导力吗?无论成败与否你都能负起责任吗? Take Aways: 一些读书心得: Be Personal: For you and your idea to really get rolling your idea has to be personal. You have to be passionate about seeing it through. If the passion isn’t there, it is very unlikely that your idea will see the light of day. What you’re passionate about won’t always turn out to be a success, but following your interests will surely increase your chances of succeeding. Run with an idea that makes you tick, not one that just looks good on paper. 个人的想法:想让你的想法一步一步得以实现,这个想法必须是很个人的。在它从成长到实现过程中,你的热情必不可少。一旦热情熄灭了,你的想法很可能会胎死腹中。你的热情所在不一定会让你成功,但追随自己的兴趣肯定能增加你成功的几率。如果有个想法真真正正触动了你,跟随它吧,光写出来好看的想法是没有用的。 Break Projects Down: You have a an amazing idea. So what? The next step is to break your idea down into actionable steps that you can instantly see progress with. The book recommends when writing actions steps to begin with a verb, that way, you are forced to take some sort of action. When you are specific in what needs to be done it makes each step that much easier. Focus on the small steps and it’s only a matter of time before the bigger picture comes into play. 项目细分:你有一个棒极了的想法。然后?然后就是把你的想法分成可行的步骤,让自己每走一步都看得见进展。书中建议每个步骤都用动词开头,如此一来,感觉就像是你逼着自己去采取一些行动。当自己清楚要做什么以后,每个步骤都会变得更加简单。着眼于每一小步,然后完成你的宏图伟略就指日可待了。 Act Without Conviction: The truth is, the longer you wait to move on your idea the less likely it is to see the real world. That isn’t to say you should never plan, but more often than not people tend to over plan and become paralyzed by the fear of failure. Creative individuals don’t run from failure, they make it their friend. 行动吧!不要有后顾之忧:在踏出第一步前等得越久,想法就越不可能成真,这是事实。并不是说不需要计划就开始行动,但人们往往计划过了头,接着就因为害怕失败而裹足不前了。有创意的人不逃避失败,而是把它当朋友。 Share Ideas Liberally: If you think you have a good idea it never hurts to share it. Your chances of success significantly increase when you have a team in place. That isn’t to say you can’t succeed alone but having people behind your idea will help you stay focused and keep your eye on what really matters: making your idea happen. 分享你的想法:如果你认为自己有个好想法,跟别人分享它吧。如果有整个团队帮助你的话,你成功的几率就大大上升了。并不是说一个人就不能成功,但有人跟你一起为这个想法努力的话,会让你更加集中,更加专注于最重要的事情:实现你的想法。 Feedback Is Essential: This was a big one for me, as I’m not the best when accepting feedback. Hearing what other people think about your idea can help you if you let it. Don’t let people’s opinions sway your overall goal, but at the same time don’t be naive enough to think feedback is worthless. Take what you need and ignore the rest. 反馈是必不可少的:这对我本人来说也是个难题,因为我不善于听取反馈。如果应用得当,听取别人的会对你有帮助。不要让他人的观点左右你的最终目标,但同时,也不要天真地认为反馈是毫无价值的。取你所需,其余的忘掉就好。 You Are Creative 人人都有创意 I honestly believe that we all have a creative side, it’s simply a matter of cultivating it. 老实说,我相信每个人都有创意的一面,问题只在于我们如何培养创意。 How many times have you had an idea you never acted on, only to see weeks later that someone else did? Could that person have been you? 有多少次,你有了想法却没有付诸行动,几周后却看见别人做了?付诸行动的人就不能是你吗? Far too often we focus too much on the idea rather than the execution. Obviously, planning and research does play an important role but you have to take off sometime. 我们常常都太专注于那个想法,却不是实现想法的行动。计划和调查研究是非常重要没有错,但有时你必须行动起来。 When I started my personal blog a few years ago, I had no idea what I was going to write about, but I did know that I wanted to help people live better lives. I started a domain with literally no idea of what to write , but over time my idea refined itself. I’m glad started blogging because it has been one of the greatest things I have ever done. When you take the leap you’re nearly always rewarded. 几年前,当我刚开始写这个博客的时候,我根本不知道自己要写些什么,但我知道我想要帮助其他人,让他们过更好的人生。于是我就开设了这个空间,当时对要写些什么真的没有头绪,但随着时间迁移,那个想法自己走到了我眼前。我非常高兴自己当时开始写这个博客,因为这是我做过的最棒的事情之一。迈出第一步以后,几乎总会有收获。 The truth is, we have great ideas come to us everyday, yet without action our idea is quickly smothered. You don’t have to start big, tiny steps are better than no steps at all. 事实是,我们每天都会有很棒的想法,但不去行动的话这些想法很快就都奄奄一息了。没有必要一开始就迈一大步,循序渐进总比停滞不前要强。 Creativity 101 创意101 Once I realized what I wanted to write about on my personal blog, I routinely rejected my ideas because I was afraid it wouldn’t be well received. Even to this day, I sometimes struggle with fear and perfection. But the truth is, it’s far better to get something out than to never “ship” at all. 当我知道自己要在个人博客上写些什么以后,我周期性地拒绝一些自己的想法,因为我害怕读者不接受它们。时至今日,我有时还是会挣扎在害怕与完美主义之中。但事实是,随便写些什么总比只想不做要强得多。 The more you create the better you become at making your ideas a reality. Execution, not ideas, is what makes you creative.The most successful entrepreneurs aren’t the one’s with the best ideas, but instead, are the one’s who are willing to put in the work. 创造得越多,在实现想法上面你就会更驾轻就熟。让你变得更有创意的,是你的行动力,而不是你的想法。最成功的企业家都不是那些有着惊人想法的人,相反,他们是愿意努力的人。 I can nearly guarantee that if you’re struggling with your creativity right now, it’s not because you have a lack of ideas, it’s because you’re letting fear of failure hold you back. Being creative is scary, but it is also one of the most rewarding things in the world. Knowing that you DO make a difference is sometimes scary to admit but it doesn’t make it any less true. 我几乎可以打包票,如果你正在为你的创意发愁,肯定不是因为你缺少想法,而是因为你害怕失败。创意是有些吓人,但它同时也是世上最值得一试的事情之一。要接受有些东西因你而改变这个事实,有时确实是挺吓人的,但却很实在。 While I barely scratched the ideas covered in the book, I hope I gave you a better insight on what makes people creative. 我只是把书中涵盖的观点都草草说了一下,希望能够让你对“到底是什么让人有创意”这个问题有个更好的了解。 What projects are you waiting to start? What amazing ideas are you selfishly holding back? 有想要开展的项目吗?有不愿与人分享的好点子吗? Start writing that novel. Begin that knitting business. Create art. Let your ideas flow. 想要写小说就马上开始吧。想要卖手工编织品现在就要行动了。创意的艺术,放飞你的想法。 Time to execute. There is no other way. 是时候开始行动了。除此之外别无他法。 |