

 mtjs 2011-02-19

What’s Really Going on With Windows 8?


We all know that these days, guys at Microsoft are very busy preparing the next major version of their Windows family. Recently, they have finished the 2ndmilestone of Windows 8… But that’s also leaked news! This time they are very strict about leaking information to the press. To tell you the truth, in Windows 7, we received a load of leaked info and screenshots at this stage. But what’s happening with Windows 8? It’s a big mystery!

In Windows 7, we got the first public beta with their third milestone. But inWindows 8, we can’t say what will happen. Recently, at the CES, Microsoft officially announced that Windows 8 is going to support ARM and SoC (System on a Chip) devices. This will take it beyond our normal x86 and x64 processors to things like the ARM-based devices built by NVIDIA, Qualcomm and Texas Instruments.

window 8 What’s Really Going on With Windows 8?

Another leaked source has mentioned that Windows 8 is going to have a brand new graphics system which is said to have more Silverlight on it. But, these facts are unofficial! The biggest problem is we have no much information to tell you what they are really cooking in those lab…

Are they cooking something big and innovative which could change the whole world? Well, if that’s the case, then secrecy might be the best policy! But still, we cannot say anything until we get the public beta! So, what do you think? What are they doing with all these secrecy? Will we ever get a public beta?

Article by Pubudu Kodikara

Pubudu Kodikara is a writer at Tech Hamlet (www.), a state of the art tech blog which is powered by the Earth Organization, which have a main target of educating people about the latest technology. They post latest tech news, tips on how to resolve problems, tricks and hacks to improve what you do, tutorials to learn new things and many more. If you like this post, you can follow us on Twitter. Subscribe to GadgetCage Feeds via RSS or Emailto get instant updates.

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