
口语讲解Veg out

 昵称190769 2011-03-31
                                                           口语讲解Veg out 2011-03-30 18:17:32


It's been really hot recently, and one of the most pleasant thing might be staying in the shade where we could avoid direct sunlight. And towards the students who have been in the summer vacation, how would you spend the time?

Probably some would prefer staying at home just like what I did many years ago, doing nothing but just relaxing.

Don't laugh at me, but this is the expression what I'm gonna share with you----to do nothing, in American slang, is to veg out. Veg:v-e-g, veg here means relax to the complete inertia.

Veg在这里意为彻底放松,无所事事。 And if a person vegges out at home, he may be reading, listening to music, watching TV or just sitting there, without thinking anything complicated.

如果一个人在家里vegges out,他有可能在读书,听音乐,看电视甚至只是坐在那,但是脑子里什么也不想。 Or sometimes we veg out when we should be working or studying, but we don't feel like it.或者有时候当我们该做某事,却不想做,一拖再拖,那就是veg out.

Let's see some examples: Last night I just vegged out in front of the TV all night.昨晚我呆坐在电视机前一晚上无所事事。 People often veg out after a long day of working or studying. 经过长期的工作或学习之后,人们常会彻底放松下来。

That's all for today, try to use it when you tell the others you did nothing or would have nothing to do. Veg out,无所事事。Okey, see you next time~

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