
双语 阅读 停下来,寻找前方的机遇

 小林个人图书馆 2011-04-28

Stop, and Then Move Forward




How often do people begin to get close to realizing their dreams, to changing their lives, and they hit a "stop sign"? Maybe they "stop" because there isn't enough money to take the next step, or they are afraid to leave the certain safety and security of their current job to change careers - the fear of the unknown. What will happen when you cross the boundaries that have been ingrained into your thinking?



Today I would like to bring up a new concept “stop, and then move forward”. The word Stop means do not go progress - do not move forward - immediately discontinue the action at hand. When we were children, "stops" were given to us for our safety and well being. But, now that we're grown up, how many of us still use "stops" as a safety net? What devices that were used to keep us safely within our boundaries are we hanging on to that prevents us from advancing?



When you hit a stop, you have a two-step choice: first, stop, do not move forward, do not pass go, stay with the familiar and remain at status quo. Then, find that little nudge, that hand in the small of your back, which gently pushes you to take the first step beyond your present boundaries, for with each step you take, you are that much closer to achieving your goals and realizing your dreams.



Try to look at all the stop signs, and obstacles in your life as positives. They are opportunities to push your limits, and find a way to move forward. They are momentary pauses on the path to success!



Keep moving, and keep smiling!


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