

 wwww888 2011-05-07









       effective   指某事能产生显著或理想的效果,其名词是effectiveness


1) All these methods have proved to be effective in controlling the growth of population.


       2) Taking the seriousness of the problem into consideration, we must adopt some effective measure to solve it before it deteriorates.


       3) Several additional experiments are to be performed to prove the effectiveness of the new drug.



efficient   指能产生较高效率,其名词是efficiency


1) Our profits will not increase unless we introduce more efficient techniques in the production.


2It is claimed that with this approach the memory can be made ten times more efficient.


3) These technologies have greatly raised the efficiency of the clerical work in offices.



valid     指法律概念意义上的有效,其名词是validity 指理论、观点、结论等能站得住,、是正确的。


1) The will is not considered to be valid as there was only one witness present when it was written.


2) The lawyer questioned the validity of the contract, as he found that it had already expired.


3) I don’t think their argument is valid since they have not set forth sufficient evidence to support it.


4) When the news of UFO sighting was broadcast on the radio, some listeners called to challenge the validity of it.








       1) The court decided that the will was
invalid as there was only one witness to it.


       2) Upon its expiration, the contract shall automatically become void and null.


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