
考研英语词汇复习(39): depend on、rely on、 rest on、count on、reckon on、fall back on

 wwww888 2011-05-16



                             depend onrely on  rest oncount onreckon on

                       fall back on   




depend on / upon

      rely on / upon

     rest on / upon

count on / upon

reckon on / upon




       1) Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, while the behavior of an animal depends mainly on instinct.


       2) The manufacturers should rely on the advance in technology and the superb quality of after-sale service to win the customers in the market.


       3) Bille Holiday’s reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs.

          作为著名的爵士歌唱家的Bille Holiday名声在于她能将感情放到她的歌之中。)

       4) You can never reckon on / count on his promises. He is always letting others down.



       fall back on   “转而依靠”,指有另外的东西可以依靠备用。


1A fixed amount of money should be reserved so that we can fall back on it in case of emergence.


2) If the new method does not work, we’ll have to fall back on the old one.






dependent   形容词短语 dependent on/ upon 用法相当于动词短语depend on / upon


1) Good crops are dependent on the right kind of weather.


2) Bill is out of work and he has to be dependent on his wife’s earnings.



dependable  “可靠的”,用于人表示忠诚可靠,用于物指质量、性能可靠。


1) Dick is the most dependable of my friends. You can fully dependent on him.


       2) You can rest assured that our product is absolutely dependable.



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