

 镯月 2011-06-10

1. 新型大肠杆菌流行在欧洲爆发

据报道,这种大肠杆菌是肠粘附性和肠出血性大肠杆菌的变种,具有更强毒力,严重者可累及肾脏造成溶血尿毒综合征。目前已致欧洲1500人发病,17人死亡,致病株来源正在调查中。详见Medical news today

A new strain of E.Coli is sickening Europe and has killed 17 people. This strain is said to be a variant of EAEC and EHEC with higher virulence that can cause HUS, a severe disease leading to renal failure. The source of this bacterium is under investigation.

2. 健康饮食,我的餐盘我做主!

昨日美国农业部颁布了新的健康饮食标识MyPlate,取代原有食物金字塔指导美国民众建立健康饮食结构。标识显示,1份健康饮食= 1/2蔬菜水果 + 1/4 谷物 + 1/4蛋白+ 小部分乳类食品,且谷物中至少一半为全谷类。详见ChooseMyPlate

MyPlate in, Food pyramid out! The new icon for healthy diet MyPlate suggests you to fill half of your plate with fruit and vegetables, a quarter with grains(with whole grains>1/2) and another quarter with protein, plus some diary in addition. This icon is aimed at providing a more understandable recommendation for American to develop a healthy eating habit.

3. 运动是一味好药


4. 不记得把车停哪儿了?多锻炼可能有好处


Researchers from John Hopkins have found that our ability of pattern separation, a type of memory processing to distinguish between things with tiny differences, deteriorates with aging. Without this ability, we will mix up our memories. However, exercises may sharpen your recall and help you to maintain that capability. In other words, working out in a gym regularly can remind you of where you parked your car last Friday.

5. 丙肝治疗新纪元的开始

5月13日美国FDA批准Broceprevir成为慢性丙肝治疗药物,用于未经治疗和既往治疗失败的丙肝病毒1型感染者。早在今年3月底新英格兰医学杂志(364卷)就发表了该药的III期临床试验结果,Broceprevir联合干扰素、利巴韦林可有效提高丙肝病毒学应答率。另一种药物Telaprevir在5月23日也获得FDA批准,它们均为口服HCV蛋白酶抑制剂。详情见Journal Watch

Broceprevir, a HCV protenase inhibitor, has recently been approved by FDA as a drug for the treatment of HCV-1 infection. The result of its phase III clinical trial has been published on NEJM(364vol.) by the end of March which shows the combination of Broceprevir with peginterferon α-2b and ribavirin can achieve significantly higher sustained virologic response.

6. 一天6杯咖啡,前列腺癌远离你


6 cups of coffee a day, keeps prostate cancer away. Recently, the journal of National Cancer Institution has reported a prospective study which shows that drinking 6 cups of coffee can reduce the risk of developing lethal prostate cancer by 60%, comparing with men without coffee intake. It is a pretty good news for men as we are still ignorant of modifiable risk factors for advanced prostate cancer. But more research is needed to confirm the recommendation for more daily coffee consumption.

7. 皱纹少,骨质好


The skin might give you a glimpse at your skeletal health! The 2011 annual meeting of Endocrine Society reported skin wrinkles has a significant inverse association with bone mineral density in women within 3 years of menopause. More evidences are needed to support this finding.

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