
必修四 unit 3 复习检测

 冰姿飒飒 2011-07-06


1.They sat at the back of the room, talking in _________(低语).

2. The frightened horse ran along the path at an ______________(惊人的) speed.

3. The guide gave us a clear_________(解释) of each of the rules.

4.The old man is _________(满意的) to live in the countryside.

5.The_________(内容) of your essay is excellent, but it is not well expressed.

6. How did he _________(反应) to the news.

7. We won’t be  ______________(征服) by the difficulty.

8.These kids were _________(滑行) on the ice.

9. How can I ______________(使相信) you of her honesty.

10. She is _________(讲究的) about what she wears.

11. I’ve met her on several _________(场合).

12. He _________(主演) in a lot of good films.

13. News spread ______________(遍及) the country.

14. He has a good sense of _________(幽默).

15. __________________(幸运地) I passed my driving test yesterday.


II. 短文改错

Tom was having much troubles getting up in the          66. _______

morning and was always late with work. His boss wanted to 67. ________

fire him if he didn't start coming on time, but he went to    68. ___________

the doctor for a help. The doctor gave him some          69. ___________

medicine and told him to take them before he went to bed.  70. ___________

The man did as told and slept really well, wake up before    71. ___________

the alarm had even gone off. He had time for a properly     72. ___________

breakfast and was still the first reach the factory."Boss, "he  73. ___________

said ," that medicine really works!""I'm pleasing to hear    74. ___________

it ,"said his boss," but where were you yesterday?"        75. ___________


III. 单选

1. Born in a family that was________, Mr. Bingley attracted many ladies of the town.

A.    worse off   B. badly off  C. better off   D. well off

2.  Scientists are convinced ________ the positive effect of laughter _______ physical and mental health.

A.    of; at    B. by; in    C. of; on  D. on; at

3. I saw Tom _______into the classroom without _________.

A. slide; found  B. sliding; find    C. to slide; being found   D. sliding; being found

4. Jack was ______ failure as a leader, but he achieved _______ great success in writing.

A. a; a   B. a; /   C. /; a   D. /; /

5. My brother can’t attend the party ______ at Tom’s house at present, because he is preparing for his examination.

A. holding   B. to hold  C. to be held  D. being held

6. The girl ______ on the stage is my sister.

A.   played the piano  B. playing the piano C. who playing the piano  D. playing piano

7.  _____it matters, but how did you spend so much money in such a short period of time?

A. Now that  B. So that  C. Not that   D. Only that

8.  There was an ______ expression on her face when she came in.

A. amused  B. amusing  C. amuse  D. amusingly

9.  As there is no butter, we must _____ ourselves _____dry bread.

A. content; with   B. satisfy; to  C. meet; with   D. be content; with

10. Thanks to the Party’s opening and reform policy(改革开放政策), people in China are ______ than they were thirty years ago.

    A. well off  B. much better off      C. more better off     D. quite better off

11. If you don’t know that _____ is the mother of success, you are sure to be _____ in life.

   A. failure; failure   B. a failure; a failure    C. a failure; failure     D. failure; a failure

12. Fear is something that you are born with. You can’t ______yourself of it completely but you can ____ certain fears under certain conditions. .

A. get; overcome      B. rid; overcome      C. overcome; rid of    D. break; get rid of

13. I don’t know whether you happen _____, but I’m going to study in the USA this September.

  A. to be heard   B. to be hearing C. to hear  D. to have heard

14. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only _____ the film stats had left.

  A. to tell  B. to be told  C. telling  D. told

15. The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _____ as the plane was making a landing.

   A. seat   B. seating  C. seated  D. to be seating

16. —Can you tell us what is important to a businessman?

   —________ information.

  A. Collect  B. Collected   C. Having collected        D. Collecting

17. —How could you ________ my sister so easily in the crowd?

   —Because she stood out in her red dress.

    A. pick up  B. pick out      C. take up       D. take out

18. Don’t leave the water ____ while you brush your teeth.

A. run   B. running  C. being run   D. to run

19. My boss hates interruptions(打扰), ________when he is trying to work.
occasionally Bgenerally Cspecially Despecially

20.  —Do you know about the accident which happened in the center of the city?

    —Yes. But it was some time _________ we realized the truth.

 Abefore  Bwhen Csince DUntil




I. 单词拼写  1. whispers  2. astonishing  3. explanation  4. content     5. content

             6. react   7. overcome   8. sliding    9. convince  10. Particular

             11. occasions  12. starred  13. throughout  14. humor  15. Fortunately/Luckily

II. 短文改错  66. troubles改为trouble   67. with改为for   68. but改为so     69. 去掉a

             70. them后加it    71. wake改为waking    72. properly改为proper  73.first后加to

             74. pleasing改为pleased     75. 正确

III. 单选  1-5 DCDBD    6-10 BCAAB    11-15 DBDBC   16-20 DBBDA 




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