时光煮雨,十年的时间不长,短得就像做了一场梦,一晃而过;十年的时间不短,长到可以将他们改变,脱胎换骨。看看这些《哈利·波特》演员们十年之间的变化,你就明白了。 Harry Potter Stars Then and Now ——《哈利·波特》明星们的如梦10年 By Chai Hong Lim 距哈利·波特第一次挥舞着魔杖出现在大银幕上已经过去近十年了。紧随《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》的公映,我们在此细数各位《哈利·波特》明星们成长的烦恼。 It’s been nearly a decade since Harry Potter first waved his wand on the big screen. Following on the heels of[i]) the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, we chart the growing pains of the Potter stars 天啦,看看他长成什么样了!2000年(左) 当丹尼尔·雷德克利夫赢得哈利·波特这个角色时,每一位《哈利·波特》迷都羡慕不已。而现在(右),他已经21岁了,参演的舞台剧在伦敦西区以及纽约百老汇上演,是世界上收入最高的年轻人之一,但他还在把脏衣服带回家给妈妈洗呢。Oh, look how he’s grown! Daniel Radcliffe made every Harry Potter fan jealous when he won the part of the boy wizard in 2000 (left). Now (right), he’s 21, a West End and Broadway star[i]), and one of the world’s highest-earning youths, but he still takes his washing round to his mum’s.
我的天,她也长大了!2001年(左),艾玛·沃特森将其处女秀献给了第一部《哈利·波特》电影,在影片中饰演书虫赫敏·格兰杰。现实生活中,一连串A和A+的普通中等教育证书和高级考试成绩(译者注:相当于初中和高中毕业成绩)让她成功申请到“常春藤联盟”之一的布朗大学。兼顾大学学习以及拍戏之余,她还签约成为巴宝莉2009和2010年的代言人,与英国顶尖男模一同拍照,其中甚至还包括她的亲弟弟! 看看他的变化!鲁伯特·格林特以一段为哈利·波特的好友罗恩·韦斯莱量身定做的饶舌获得了这一角色。在《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》中,罗恩最终抱得美人归,当然还有蜂蜜酒。 And look how he’s grown! Rupert Grint came up with[i]) a little rap about Potter’s sidekick[ii]) Ron Weasley to clinch[iii]) the part. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Ron gets the girl and the mead.
He’s really grown—Tom Felton was a chubby[i])-cheeked imp[ii]) as Harry’s rival Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, but in the new film, he’s put on a growth spurt[iii]) and even more angst[iv]) than everybody else, and glowers at[v]) Potter (the 5’6” Daniel Radcliffe) from his 6’1” height. 邓布利多的变化还真……呃,当我没说。2002年理查德·哈里斯(左)去世的时候,剧组开始寻找其他演员来扮演霍格沃茨魔法学校的校长。也许是为了向哈里斯致敬,迈克尔·冈本(右)试图用轻微的爱尔兰口音来诠释邓布利多这一角色,但是他的胡须要整洁得多。 My, how Dumbledore’s … oh, never mind. When Richard Harris (left) died in 2002, the search was on for a new Hogwarts headmaster. Perhaps in honour of[i]) Harris, Michael Gambon (right) essays[ii]) the part with a faint Irish accent, but with a tidier beard. 玛吉·史密斯女士在参演《哈利·波特》系列电影之前,已经两次获得奥斯卡奖(凭借影片《春风不化雨》和《加州套房》),还有其他一系列奖项和赞誉。但在全世界数百万儿童的心目中,她永远是米勒娃·麦格教授。拿2000年(左)和2010年(右)的她相比,岁月似乎并未在她身上留下痕迹,不过有人把她的帽子打整了一下。 Dame Maggie Smith may have come to the Harry Potter films with two Oscars (for The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and California Suite) in hand and fistfuls[i]) of other awards and plaudits[ii]), but to millions of children around the world, she will forever be Professor Minerva McGonagall. Here she is looking suitably timeless in 2000 (left) and 2010 (right), though someone has tidied up[iii]) her hat. 取得巨大成功的少年吸血鬼系列《暮光之城》吸引了一大群疯狂的粉丝,使得罗伯特·帕丁森从《哈利·波特》里一个笨手笨脚的配角蜕变成为全世界最炙手可热的男人之一。在《暮光之城》之前,他演过的最有名的角色就是《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中那个命运悲惨的塞德里克·迪戈里。帕丁森与拍摄《哈利·波特》时相比变化并不大,他生动地证明了一点:也许不要期望太多,反倒会遇见好事情。 The phenomenally successful teen vampire franchise[i]), Twilight, has sunk its teeth into a hungry fan base and transformed Robert Pattinson from a bumbling[ii]) Harry Potter supporting cast-member into one of the most desirable men on the planet. Before Twilight, his most high-profile[iii]) part had been the doomed Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Pattinson has changed little since his Harry Potter days and is living proof, perhaps, that good things come to those who don’t desire too much. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. |
来自: MouseHappy > 《英语》