

 MouseHappy 2011-07-15



Harry Potter Stars Then and Now



By Chai Hong Lim

    / 王凤娜




It’s been nearly a decade since Harry Potter first waved his wand on the big screen. Following on the heels of[i]) the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, we chart the growing pains of the Potter stars




天啦,看看他长成什么样了!2000() 丹尼尔·雷德克利夫赢得哈利·波特这个角色时,每一位《哈利·波特》迷都羡慕不已。而现在(),他已经21岁了,参演的舞台剧在伦敦西区以及纽约百老汇上演,是世界上收入最高的年轻人之一,但他还在把脏衣服带回家给妈妈洗呢。

Oh, look how he’s grown! Daniel Radcliffe made every Harry Potter fan jealous when he won the part of the boy wizard in 2000 (left). Now (right), he’s 21, a West End and Broadway star[i]), and one of the world’s highest-earning youths, but he still takes his washing round to his mum’s.






       My, how she’s grown! Emma Watson made her acting debut in the first Harry Potter film in 2001 (left), playing the class swot[i]) Hermione Granger. In real life, her string of A and A+ grades at GCSEs[ii]) and A Levels[iii]) has won her a place at the Ivy League[iv]) Brown University. Between university scouting and filming, she also signed up to appear as the face of[v]) the 2009 / 10 Burberry campaigns, posing alongside top British male models and even her own little brother!






And look how he’s grown! Rupert Grint came up with[i]) a little rap about Potter’s sidekick[ii]) Ron Weasley to clinch[iii]) the part. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Ron gets the girl and the mead.






He’s really grownTom Felton was a chubby[i])-cheeked imp[ii]) as Harry’s rival Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, but in the new film, he’s put on a growth spurt[iii]) and even more angst[iv]) than everybody else, and glowers at[v]) Potter (the 5’6” Daniel Radcliffe) from his 6’1” height.





My, how Dumbledore’s … oh, never mind. When Richard Harris (left) died in 2002, the search was on for a new Hogwarts headmaster. Perhaps in honour of[i]) Harris, Michael Gambon (right) essays[ii]) the part with a faint Irish accent, but with a tidier beard.






Dame Maggie Smith may have come to the Harry Potter films with two Oscars (for The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and California Suite) in hand and fistfuls[i]) of other awards and plaudits[ii]), but to millions of children around the world, she will forever be Professor Minerva McGonagall. Here she is looking suitably timeless in 2000 (left) and 2010 (right), though someone has tidied up[iii]) her hat.






The phenomenally successful teen vampire franchise[i]), Twilight, has sunk its teeth into a hungry fan base and transformed Robert Pattinson from a bumbling[ii]) Harry Potter supporting cast-member into one of the most desirable men on the planet. Before Twilight, his most high-profile[iii]) part had been the doomed Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Pattinson has changed little since his Harry Potter days and is living proof, perhaps, that good things come to those who don’t desire too much.


1.         follow on the heels of: 紧跟在后面

2.         West End and Broadway star: West End (伦敦西区)是英国的娱乐中心,是英国剧院的发源地。Broadway (百老汇)是美国纽约市戏院集中的一条大街。此处是指丹尼尔主演的舞台剧Equus (马属),分别在伦敦西区以及百老汇的剧院演出。

3.         swot [swCt] n. 努力学习(或工作)的人,刻苦用功的人

4.         GCSE: abbr. General Certificate of Secondary Education(英国)普通中等教育证书

5.         A Level: <> (中学生的)高级考试,其难度大致与美国大学二年级的水平相仿。

6.         Ivy League: 常春藤盟校,指的是美国东北部的8所顶尖高等学府。

7.         the face of: 代言人

8.         come up with: 提供

9.         sidekick: n. 伙伴

10.     clinch [klIntF] vt. 最终赢得

11.     chubby [5tFQbI] adj. 圆脸的;圆胖的

12.     imp [Imp] n. 顽童,小淘气

13.     growth spurt: 生长突增

14.     angst [B:Nst] n. (尤指对时世的)忧虑;疑惧

15.     glower at: 怒视;威胁地盯着(某人)

16.     in honour of: 向……表示敬意

17.     essay [e5seI] vt. 作……尝试;试图

18.     fistful [`fIstfJl] n. 一把;相当大的数目

19.     plaudit [5plC:dIt] n. [常作~s]喝采;赞扬

20.     tidy up: 整理,收拾

21.     franchise [5frAntFaIz] n. 特许经销权

22.     bumbling [5bQmblIN] adj. 笨手笨脚的

23.     high-profile: 知名度高的

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