双语:发短信得冒患脑瘤的风险(图)![]() 发短信冒着患脑瘤风险
Lead researcher Lloyd Morgan said there could be a 'brain tumour pandemic' unless people changed their patterns of mobile phone use. This would include texting rather than holding the phone to the ear 研究员劳埃·德摩根说如果人们不改变使用手机的方法,很快就会发生脑瘤大流行。不仅仅是贴近耳朵接听,就连发短信也会受到伤害。 People who talk on mobile phones are up to five times more likely to develop brain tumours than those who stick to landlines, academics have warned。 学者们声称,使用手机的人比用固定电话的人患脑瘤的几率大四倍。 They say a number of previous studies into mobile phone safety 'substantially underestimated' the cancer risks and that tumours are much more common on the side of the head to which the mobile is held than on the other side。 他们说之前对手机安全性的研究“大大低估”了贴近手机那侧的大脑比另一侧大脑患脑瘤的危险性。 Mr Morgan, of the Environmental Health Trust, a U.S. campaign group, spoke out after re-examining the figures from six previous studies。 美国环境健康基金的摩根先生在重新检查了以前六项研究的数据之后发表了上述评论。 These included a Swedish one which originally concluded that people who used mobile phones for at least ten years were 3.9 times more likely to develop an acoustic neuinroma - a non-cancerous tumour - on a nerve near the ear to which they held their phone compared to those who rarely or never used the devices。 这其中包括了瑞典的一项研究,那次的最初结论是使用手机至少十年的人比常人患非癌症脑瘤的几率高3.9倍,长在经常贴近手机的耳朵附近一处神经上。 The reanalysis, designed to take into account flaws in the design of the study which could have skewed the results, put the increased risk at 4.9 times。 重新开展的研究把实验设计本身的缺陷也考虑进去后,发病几率提高到了4.9倍! However, British cancer experts said predictions of a 'brain tumour pandemic' were overblown. 'Even after the minor adjustments reported in this new analysis, the results from the overall Interphone study are still either not statistically significant, or right on the borderline.' 不过,英国的癌症专家说"脑瘤大流行"的预言太夸大了,"即使经过了这个小小的修正之后,使用手机的后果统计也是即不精确,也不准确的." John Cooke, of the Mobile Operators Association, which represents the industry, said a World Health Organisation fact sheet last month stated that 'to date, no adverse health effects have been established for mobile phone use'。 手机工业的代表--移动设备协会的约翰。库克说,上个月的世界健康组织发布的文件声称"到目前为止,手机使用还未对人体健康产生负面影响"。 |