圣诞男人不下厨 雷人理由为信心不足A third of men, it is reckoned, won’t lift a finger in the kitchen this Christmas。 预计今年圣诞节,1/3的男人不会进厨房帮忙。 But as fed up women across the land cry 'Only a third?’, it appears men have come up with some pretty good excuses for their idleness at Christmas。 但是受够了总在厨房忙碌的女人们也会抱怨“怎么可能只有1/3”?看来男人们为圣诞节已经想出了各种好的借口为他们的懒惰开脱。 A lack of confidence, previous failures and complicated recipes are the main reasons men say don’t want to get involved on December 25. 缺乏自信,以往的失败和复杂的食谱是男人不想与12月25日这一天扯上任何关系的主要借口。 Many others won’t go near the kitchen because they believe their other half is happy to take care of everything。 另外许多不想走进厨房的男人是因为他们相信他们的另一半可以很好的料理好每一件事。 The survey, by Red Tractor beef and lamb, also revealed that one in two women would like more help at Christmas。 这份调查也揭示了有一半的女人们希望在圣诞节得到更多的帮助。 A spokesman said: 'We all know that women do a lot of work at Christmas, but men shouldn’t make up excuses for not helping out or be afraid of the kitchen。 一位发言人说:“我们都知道女人们在圣诞节承担了大量的工作,男人们不应该再为不愿出力或是恐惧厨房编一些借口了。” 'They shouldn’t let previous mistakes put them off having a go at recipes.’ “他们不应该让过去的失误就不做饭了。” A third of men say they have no confidence when it comes to Christmas cooking, with a fifth saying they feel lost in the kitchen. One in six said previous criticism of his efforts had put him off attempting to cook festive foods ever again。 当说到为圣诞烹饪时,1/3的男人说他们缺乏自信,1/5的男人说他们不知道在厨房能做什么。1/6的男人说过去受到的批评让他们再也不想尝试了。 Almost one fifth of men say they do not cook at all。 差不多1/5的男人说他们从不做饭。 Recent Hull University research into gender differences in the kitchen, found that men’s lack of help is not down to laziness, but an inherent lack of confidence built up from an early age。 最近赫尔大学一项关于厨房性别差异的研究发现,男人不帮忙并不是懒惰,而是从小就没有建立内在的自信。 A university spokesman said: 'It’s not that men don’t want to cook, it’s just that they need the encouragement.’ 这所大学的发言人说:“并不是男人不想做饭,而是他们需要得到鼓励。” |