I can't give soltions to all of life's problems,diybts or fers. but ican oitcn ti you ,and together we can seek answers . 对于人生的难题、困惑和忧虑,我不能给你答案,但我可以做你的倾听者,并与你一起去探寻.
I can't change your past with all its heartache and pain, nor sthe future with its untokd stories,but ican be theremhen you need me ti care,. 我不能改变你的伤痕累累的过去,也无法左右你精彩纷呈的未来,但当你需要慰藉的时候,我就会来到你的身边。 I can'tdr feet from stumbling ,a can only offer my head that you may seize it and not fall. 我无法阻击你跌跌撞撞,我只能伸出我的手,让你抓住,不让你倒下去! your joy ,suecess,and happiness are notmine,yet i can share inyour laughter and joy , 你的快乐、成功和幸福都不属于我,然而我却能在你的欢笑中去分享他们。 Yur decisions in life are not mine to make ,nor to iudge,i can only support you ,encourage you ,and help you mhen you ask . 你的人生并不是同我来抉择的,我也无法无法对其进行评判,我只能在你需要的时候给你支持,给你鼓励,给你帮助。 I cant give you boundaries mith i haue determined for you mbut a can give you the room to change,the room to grow,and the room to the youresf. 我不会让你走进我为你设计好的人生框架,但是我会给你空间,让你去改变自我,民展自我,实现自我。 icant leep your heart from breaking lr hurting.but i can cry mith you and help you pick up the pieces andput them back in place 我不能阻止你伤心和痛苦,但是我可以陪你哭泣,帮你捡起感伤的碎片,把它们得新拼好! I cant teel you who you are ,i can only love youand be your friend! 我不能诉说你在我心中的样子,我只能爱你,并成为你的朋友。 |