
第八课 坐出租汽车

 3gzylon 2011-08-17

第八课 坐出租汽车

Posted In Chinese Course - By people_zgb On Thursday, August 4th, 2011 With 0 Comments




In Beijing one can reserve taxis or call them at doorways of any hotels, restaurants at any time. Different models of taxis charge different prices. In each taxi there must be an odometer.

mài kè: sī jī, qù b?i jīng fàn diàn ma?
麦克: 司机,去北京饭店吗? 
Mike: Driver! To Beijing Hotel? 
sī jī:  qù, q?ng shàng chē.
司机: 去,请上车。 
Driver:  Yes. Get in, please. 
mài kè: w? y?u jí shì, nín k? y? kuài yī di?nr ma?
Mike:  I have something urgent. Could you drive a little faster? 
sī jī:  bié zhāo jí, yī dìng zh?n shí g?n dào.
司机: 别着急,一定准时赶到。 
Driver: Don’t worry. We’ll get there on time.
mài kè: chē fèi z?n me suàn?
麦克: 车费怎么算? 
Mike: How do I pay for fare?
sī jī:  yī gōng l? yī kuài èr.
司机: 一公里一块二。  
Driver: One yuan and twenty fen per km.
mài kè: w? huái yào g?n huí lái, nín néng bù néng d?ng yī huìr? 
麦克: 我还要赶回来,您能不能等一会儿? 
Mike:  I’ll be back. Can you wait a moment?
sī jī:  k? y?. 
司机: 可以。 
Driver:  Of course.
mài kè: d?ng hòu fèi z?n me suàn?
麦克: 等候费怎么算? 
Mike:  How is the waiting fee determined?
sī jī:  wǔ fēn zhōng yī kuài èr.
司机: 五分钟一块二。 
Driver:  One yuan and twenty fen five minutes.
New Words

1.  出租汽车chū zū qì chē: taxi

2.  司机sī jī: driver

3.  去 qù: to go

4.  上车shàng chē: to get on

5.  急事 jí shì: something urgent

6.  一点儿 yī di?nr: a little

7.  着急 zhāo jí: to worry

8.  一定 yī dìng: certainly

9.  准时zh?n shí: on time

10. 车费 chē fèi: fare

11. 公里 gōng l?: kilometer

12. 回来 huí lái: to come back

Chinese Poetry:望月怀远

Posted In Poetry - By people_zgb On Wednesday, August 17th, 2011 With 0 Comments


Looking at the Moon and Longing for One Far Away
(Tang Dynasty Zhang Jiuling 678-740A.D.) )

Over the sea grows the moon bright,
We gaze on it far, far apart   
Lovers complain of long, long night; 
They rise and long for the dear heart
Candles blown out, fuller is light;
My coat put on, i’m moist with dew.
As i can’t hand you moonbeams white,
I go to bed to dream of you.

(唐 张九龄 678-740)


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