

 退休工程师 2011-08-19

Microorganisms, commonly known as microbes, are organisms that are so small they can rarely be seen without the aid of a microscope.俗称为微生物,微生物,这么小,他们很少能够不借助显微镜可见的生物体。 Bacteria, fungi, green algae, archaea, protists and some animals such as plankton are all considered microbes.细菌,真菌,绿藻,古细菌,原生生物和浮游生物,如一些动物都被认为是微生物。 Microbes are essential in helping nutrients rotate through the world's ecosystems.微生物在帮助营养物质旋转通过全球生态系统的重要。 While certain microbes can make our food inedible through spoilage, microbes are a crucial component in food production and can be found in many common foods.虽然某些微生物可以使我们通过腐败变质的食物不宜食,微生物是在粮食生产中的关键组成部分,可以发现在许多常见的食物。

  1. Cheese奶酪

    • Bacteria is used to produce lactic acid through the ripening process.细菌是通过成熟的过程中用于生产乳酸。 This is essential in curdling milk and turning a liquid into a solid food product.这是令人毛骨悚然的牛奶和液体变成固体食物产品的关键。 Cheese also gains its particular flavor in the ripening process through the addition of bacteria.奶酪也获得在成熟过程中除了细菌通过其特殊的味道。 Each cheese has a different bacteria, which enhances the cheese with flavor compounds.每个奶酪有不同的细菌,从而提高奶酪风味化合物。 Mesophilic bacteria is used for cheeses like cheddar, colby and feta, while thermophilic bacteria is used for camembert, gouda and baby swiss.嗜温菌用于切达,科尔比和羊奶酪,而嗜热菌是卡蒙伯尔,豪达和婴儿瑞士。

    Leavened Bread酵的饼

    • Yeast causes the dough of the bread to rise in a fermentation process through which the yeast converts sugars in the dough into water and carbon dioxide.酵母使面包的面团上升通过酵母转化成水和二氧化碳的面团中的糖类在发酵过程中。 This makes the dough fill up with air bubbles that force the batter to rise.这使得面团填补力连击上升的气泡,。


    • Cucumbers undergo a fermentation process with bacteria that produces lactic acid.黄瓜进行细菌产生乳酸发酵过程。 The bacteria involved in the process include Enterobacter aerogenes, Lactobacillus brevis and L. plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Pediococcus cerevisiae, and Enterococcus faecalis.在这个过程中所涉及的细菌包括产气肠杆菌,乳杆菌短和植物乳杆菌,明串珠菌mesenteroides,小球菌酵母,粪肠球菌。 The bacteria involved prevent dangerous bacteria from attaching to the cucumbers and also give the pickles their distinct, sour taste.涉及的细菌防止黄瓜所附危险的细菌,并给予其独特的泡菜,酸酸的味道。


    • Olives can't be eaten until they undergo a fermentation process with microbes.橄榄不能吃,直到他们接受与微生物的发酵过程。 Olives are steeped in a live active brine solution, which includes Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus plantarum and Leuconostoc.橄榄是沉浸在现场活跃的盐水,其中包括乳杆菌短,植物乳杆菌和明串珠。 This begins a curing (or fermentation) process.这开始固化(或发酵)的过程。


    • Lactobacillus bulgaricus (or Lactobacillus acidophilus) and Streptococcus thermophilus are used to create lactic acid, which begins fermentation similar to the cheese-making process.保加利亚乳杆菌(或嗜酸乳杆菌)和嗜热链球菌是用于创建乳酸,开始发酵的奶酪制作过程中类似。 The microbial bacteria creates the yogurt's sour flavor and breaks down some of the milk's lactose.微生物细菌创建酸奶的酸味,休息下来的一些牛奶的乳糖。

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