

 昵称535749 2011-09-01
By Mr. Self Development

来自 Mr. Self Development网站

Today I want to talk about something that I haven’t talked about before.  It’s a “success secret” that is rarely used, but if used properly will propel you towards success.
Most of us desire to achieve success!  Actually, all of us desire to achieve success, but sometimes our actions don’t correspond with what we desire.


The Imagination
One of the major factors in success is the proper utilization of the mind, and perhaps more specifically, the proper use of the imagination.  We all use our imagination, but we don’t necessarily use it properly.  A hammer is good for hitting in nails, but not so good for cracking eggs; the proper utilization of the “success tools” you’ve been given is the key to your success.
Sometimes instead of using something for our benefit, we use it to our detriment.  The imagination is a double-edged sword.  It can be used to heal, or to kill.  A doctor uses a knife to cut out cancer, and ar mugger uses it for murder.  What are you using your imagination for?  …To dream up mediocrity, or success….?
The imagination is a tool that will pre-play our future, when we believe what we’re imagining.  What a powerful tool!  Yet, it’s a tool that is seldom used to create the life we desire.  Today I’m not going to “just talk about” the power of the imagination; I want to give you a secret to using your imagination daily, to your advantage.


Neutral and Negative Thoughts


We all have thousands of thoughts a day, most of those thoughts are neutral; our neutral thoughts keep us stagnant, they keep us right where we are.


Additionally, many of the thoughts that we have each day are negative; these negative thoughts decrease our chances for success.  And our positive thoughts, the ones that are “life-changing,” those thoughts are often few and far between.
Instead of us seeing ourselves as constantly succeeding, conquering, and moving forward,  we have images of“average-ness,” and …more of the same.  Sometimes we even have images of things getting worse, images of us failing, images of defeat. Let me tell you that negative thinking is an improper use of your imagination.  It’s a poor use of this powerful success tool.  If you’re constantly thinking that “Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong,” then you are your own worse enemy.
Right Thinking


Lots of people want to think better, they’re just not sure how to do it, which is why I’m writing these words right now.  What we’re going to talk about in the next few seconds will help you permanently improve the use of your imagination.
Defusing Murphy’s Law: Your 10 Second Commercial

4:推翻 孟菲法则:你的“10秒小短片”

Today I want to talk about programming a 10 second “commercial” in your mind that will defuse Murphy’s Law (Murphy’s Law: Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong).  When I say “commercial” I’m referring to visualizing a specific scene in your mind.  After you make this 10 second commercial, I want you to play it over and over again in your imagination.  Play the commercial until it becomes your reality.

现在我讲的是如果在你大脑中植入一个你的“10秒小短片”,这会帮你战胜你的孟菲法则(Murphy's law:凡能出错,就会出错)。我说的“10秒小短片”的意思就是让你在大脑里想象一个画面。在你想好之后,我希望你一遍一遍的在你头脑里让它显现,知道它变为现实。2

How to Create Your 10 Second Commercial


First start small.  Let’s say you want to lose a few pounds, as an example.  In your commercial, imagine calling a friend, or spouse, or imagine talking to a group, see yourself telling them, “I now weigh 150 pounds” (as an example).  I want you to imagine this scenario with some degree of detail.  Then replay those words and this scenario in your mind whenever you have free time. 
The key is to start small, and to actually re-create the scenario you visualized into your reality within the next 30 days.


Let’s say you want to make an extra $200 a month.  Imagine calling your spouse (or whoever) and telling them that you’re making 200 more dollars a month.  You don’t have to go crazy with the details, you don’t need to visualize yourself wearing a plaid shirt, you just need enough clarity to piece together a 10 second commercial.
Once you have your commercial ready, play that commercial several times a day, whenever you have time.  Such as when you’re walking to the bathroom, in between meetings, or when you’re leaving work for the day.


Plant these thoughts into your imagination, and then try to convert them into reality as quickly as possible.  When you do this you will strengthen your “imagination muscle,” soon you will be able to tackle bigger obstacles.  You will imagine your way to success!  This is the proper utilization of the imagination.


In Closing


It may take you a few tries to get your commercial right, but once you get it going, you’ll begin to make progress. 


You see, it’s all about believing in the beauty of your dreams.  Eleanor Roosevelt said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”  Do you believe?

你看吧,这就是要我们相信梦想的美好。埃莉诺·罗斯福(富兰克林·罗斯福总统的夫人)曾说过:“未来属于那些相信梦想的美好的人。” 你觉得呢?2

If you do, make your commercial today, and we will watch you succeed tomorrow.


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