怎样让艰难的决定简单化 You make decisions every day, all day long. With all of that practice, why is it so easy to get hung up on the biggies? 你每天每个时刻都在做出各种决定。有了那么多的实践,为什么在这些狗屎事情上还那么犹豫不决? Snooze button or wake right up? a、(闹钟响时)再小睡一会还是马上起床? Shower or bath? b、淋浴还是泡澡? Coffee or tea? c、咖啡还是茶? Button down shirt, or pull-over? d、带扣的衬衣,还是套衫? Cereal or fruit? e、麦片粥还是水果? That's a lot to think about all before breakfast. Those are not examples of complicated decisions. In fact, we can usually make those choices without a list of pros and cons, or giving them too much thought. 早餐前要考虑的事情很多,这些不是复杂的决定。事实上,无需列出利弊清单或者想太多我们就做了选择。 What happens when you need to make a big decision? The trick is to apply some of your gut instincts that you use in your daily, simple decision making to the big choices too. You know what's best for you and your family, and once you start to trust that, you will make better decisions faster. 当你需要做出重大决定时会怎样?下面这些技巧使用了你每天都用到的本能直觉,简单的判断也能做好重大的选择。 一旦你相信这一点----即你清楚什么是对你和家庭最好的,你将会更快更好地做出决定。 10 Steps to Simplify a Complicated Decision 10个步骤让复杂的决定简单化 Be debt free 1、不要欠债 Money will play into most of the choices you make. If you don't have debt, you can put less emphasis on the financial element of your decision. 你所做的大多数选择都涉及金钱。如果不欠债,就能减少金钱因素的权重。 Don't ask everyone about what you should do. 2、不要挨个去问所有人你该怎么做 If you ask 5 people to give you their opinion, you will get 5 different answers. That input will lead to second guessing and confusion. Consult the people who will be directly affected by your decision and let everyone else know what you've decided, with confidence. 问5个人,你会得到5个不同的答案,这些会导致二次猜测和困扰。和受决定直接影响的人商量, 其他的人,只要信心满满的告诉他们“哥已经这样决定了”就行了 High/Low 3、高与低 What is the best thing and worst thing about each choice? Is the best thing worth putting up with the worst things? 每种选择最好和最坏的结果是什么? 最好的结果值得你去冒最坏的后果的风险吗? Call it 4、唤醒第六感觉 You may take time to actually make your decision, but when presented with the choice, your gut/heart/intuition or whatever it is that speaks to you, will give you an immediate answer. Write it down. That written answer could be the tie breaker. 也许真的做出决定要花费些时间,但当面对选择时,你的勇气/心灵/直觉或者其它什么会立即给你一个答案。把它记下来,也许就是关键。 Be grateful for the opportunity 5、心怀感激,因为你还能有的选 If you see your options as a burden instead of an opportunity, you may not choose wisely. Once you realize how fortunate you are to have the choice put in front of you, you can act accordingly. 如果把可以的选择当做负担而不是机会,你可能难以做出明智的选择。 但当你意识到面前还有选择是多么的幸运,你的行动也会同样幸运。 Consider the escape clause. 6、考虑意外 What happens if you back out? Recognizing that something is reversible, makes it easier to take the leap. 如果取消行动会怎样?确认一些事情是可逆的,跳过会更容易些。 Take the pressure off. 7、让压力走开 Chances are, this one choice you make is not going to save or ruin the world. Let go of the drama and consider the facts. Trust yourself. If you can't make a choice, go back to #4. 幸运的是,你做的选择并不是去拯救或者毁灭世界。放开幻想,面对现实。相信自己。 如果不能做出选择,回到第4步。 Consider option C. 8、考虑第三条道路 Often we put ourselves in a position of choosing A or B. Don't be afraid to create C. Things are not always either/or. 我们经常让自己在A和B之间做选择。 勇敢的创造一个选项C吧,事情并不总是非此即彼的。 Rinse and repeat. 9、经验 Remember how you made your last great decision and do that again. 回想你的上次重大决定,再做一次。 Believe it. 10、相信自己的选择 Once you make your choice, believe in it. Know that you made the right decision for that moment and move forward. Let go of the what ifs and make the best of your new opportunity. 一旦做了决定,相信它是对的。 明白你当时做了正确的决定并向前推进。让“假如。。怎样”滚开,在下一次选择时力争最好。 When considering a big decision, take your time and apply a few of the steps above. If you can keep it simple, you will have more clarity on the best way to move forward. Good luck simplifying your next complicated decision. 当考虑重大决定时,不要急躁,使用前面的一些步骤。 如果你能保持使抉择简单化,你就会越来越清楚前进的最好方法。 祝你在下次复杂决定时幸运。 |