

 昵称535749 2011-09-13


Is going into business “just to make money” a good idea?




A lot of people go into business for the sole reason of making money; this is not a good idea. It’s not a good idea because it’s missing the main ingredient for success.


The main ingredient for success is ENERGY, and it’s virtually impossible to maintain high-levels of energy when you’re doing something you don’t love.


There will always be challenges in business.  Your love and passion is what takes you through those challenges.  Without that passion, you probably won’t make it.


Money should never be sought after directly; you should find what you love to do, and make money doing it.


When you do what you love, you will have an advantage over everyone else. If someone  is going to Law school just to make a good living, they won’t be able to compete with someone who just loves learning about the law.


A person who loves learning about the law can read law books all day long. What’s work for one is pleasure for another. The person who loves the law will go further, they will have more ENERGY, they will accomplish more, they will be happier.


My Story


I told this story in another article, but a few years ago I was going to purchase a chain of fitness centers.  I am so glad I didn’t do this.  Even though I love being fit, running a fitness business is not my passion.  It would have been difficult for me to compete with people who love being in the fitness business.  My wife and I often think, we’re sure glad we didn’t make that move.


Do What You Love


I love to talk about personal development; I would do it for free. I listen to personal development all the time. I listen to it when I’m driving, when I’m working out, when I’m taking a shower, when I’m getting dressed, when I’m just walking around. I can listen to personal development with a mouse; I can listen to personal development on top of my house. You get the point.


You have to do what you love to do, and you have to be where you’re supposed to be. Right now, I’m where I’m suppose to be, talking to you; I’m in the right place, at the right time, with the right person, doing the right thing, saying the right words.


What are you Supposed to be Doing?


Don’t go your entire life as a “hammer” doing the job of a “screwdriver.” You were created to solve a particular problem; if you watch cooking shows everyday, then maybe you’re a cook. The point I’m trying to make is this: don’t live another day doing something that you don’t enjoy, when you can be doing something that you do enjoy.


It would be a tragedy to go your entire life as a “hammer,” doing the job of a “screwdriver.” Everybody has a purpose, a reason they were created.


You will go further, you will accomplish more, when you are doing what you were created to do.


Mark Twain said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do, then by the things you did, so sail away from the safe harbor…” and live your dream.

马克 吐温说过:“今后二十年,你没做某事比起你做了某事更让你失望,所以从安全的港湾里扬帆出行吧...”去实现你的梦想。

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