

 南山松林 2011-09-19



1. alive/living

(1) The fish we caught is still___.

(2) They caught the enemy___.

(3) Both plants and animals are ___ things.

(4) Is your father still___?

(5) The ___ must finish the work of those dead.


2. alone/lonely

(1) He was ___ in the house.

(2) My sister went home___.

(3) He doesn't feel ___ when he is left___.

(4) This is a ___ mountain village.


3. most/mostly

(1) ___ people take their holidays in summer.

(2) That problem troubles him___.

(3) Our weather has been ___ warm.


4. before long/long before

(1) I hope to see you___.

(2) We saw that film___.


5. please/pleased/pleasure/pleasant

(1) Would you ___ sweep the floor?          

(2) These photos ___ everyone.

(3) He must be ___ at this news.             

(4) The teacher is very ___ with our homework.

(5) It is a___.                            

(6) It's ___ night.


6. huge/big/large/great

(1) He lived in a ___ house.                      

(2) They were all very ___ and strong.

(3) Shall we go to the ___ island or the smallest one?  

(4) Edison was a ___ American inventor.


7. when/while/as

(1) ___he walked, he talked.              

(2) ___we were speaking, he came up.

(3) It was raining ___ we arrived.          

(4) ___we got to the meeting, he had already gone.

(5) They were cleaning the windows ___ we were sweeping the floor.


8. interest/interested/interesting

(1) The boy has much ___ in drawing.      

(2) The subject has no ___ for me.

(3) We'll be ___ to hear about the news.=We'll be ___ in hearing about the news.

(4) He told us an ___ story.               

(5) His talk was___.


9. hear sb. do sth./hear sb. doing sth.

(1) I often hear him__(sing)this song in the room.

(2) Listen! Can you hear him___ (sing) this song in the room?


10. because/as/for/since

(1) She didn't come to work yesterday ___ she had to stay at home to look after her sick mother.

(2) ___ you are not feeling well, better stay at home.

(3) ___everybody is here, let's begin our meeting.

(4) I had to stop for a rest, ___ I was too tired.


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