

 storeroom 2011-09-26


http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月22日 14:08   昂立英语

  31.应该承认,她那件事情做得很不好,但你应该记住,她当时生病了。(Admittedly, she didn’t make a very good job of it, but you should bear in mind that she was ill at the time.)

  32.经历了一星期对瘟疫的惊慌之后,现在人们的生活恢复正常了。(People’s lives are now back to normal after one week’s panic of the epidemic.)

  33.我吃了三碗米饭,喝了四碗汤后才恢复了精力。(I didn’t resume my energy until I had three bowls of rice and four bowls of soup.)

  34.把起飞和着陆的时间计算在内,飞到北京耗时近一小时。(Counted from takeoff to touchdown, it takes about 1 hour to fly to Beijing.)

  35.我们平稳地起飞了。(We had a smooth takeoff.)

  36.要看到一次经济的腾飞,西部省份需要出台更多优惠政策来吸引国际和国内投资。(To see an economic takeoff, western provinces need to stage more favorable policies to attract both international and domestic investments. )

  37.轰鸣过后,车启动了,然后渐渐加速。(After a lot of noises, the car got started and gradually gained speed.)

  38.当我们在夏日炎热的太阳下焦急地等待时,一个戴眼镜的年轻人终于千呼万唤使出来,告诉我们跟着他进办公楼。(While we were waiting anxiously in the hot summer sun, a young man wearing glasses finally made his presence and told us to follow him into the office building.)

  39.有人打电话告诉警方说在一条河上漂浮着一具无头女尸。(Someone called to tell the police that a headless female body had been found floating on a river.)

  40.在各个出口都安置了便衣警察。(Plain-clothes policemen have been planted at all the exits.)

  41.这种宣传早已在他们的脑海中播下了仇恨的种子。(The propaganda had planted the seeds of hatred in their minds.)

  42.这些毒品不是我的,一定是有人将其栽赃于我!(These drugs aren’t mine—they must have been planted on me!)

  43.他一屁股坐到了壁炉旁的一把椅子上。(He planted himself in a chair by the fireplace.)

  44.我们需要抢时间把这项工作做完。(We need to work against time to get the job done.)

  45.作为教育家,他超前于他所处的那个时代。(As an educator, he was before his time.)

  46.我感到自己的思想落后于时代了。(I feel my mind is behind the times.)

  47.我讨厌老是发牢骚的人。(I have no time for people who always complain.)

  48.当他们把消息告诉她时,她表现出极大的自制力。(She showed great self-control when they told her the news.)

  49.在车展上,有最新的几个款式展出。(At the Car Exhibition, several of the latest models were on display.)

  50.她三下五除二,很快就把地板上的斑点给搞掉了。(Acting quickly, she soon removed the stain from the floor.)

  51.他们对我们的计划一无所知。(They were completely in the dark about our plans. )

  52.这笔交易是在暗地里达成的。(The transaction was made in the dark.)

  53.他希望对自己的身份保密。(He wanted his identity kept dark.)

  54.裹着一条红色的围巾,手里提着一个篮子,她急匆匆地进了房间,上气不接下气的。(Covered in a red scarf and with a basket in one hand, she rushed into the room, quite out of breath.)

  55.整条南京路一片灯火通明、五彩缤纷。(The whole length of Nanjing Road is a blaze of light and color.)

  56.太阳直射下来,热浪叫人透不过气来。(The sun is blazing down and the heat waves are oppressive.)

  57.他们的脸上充满了急切的期待。(Their faces are blazing with eagerness.)

  58.各家日报都在头版把那条消息以大字通栏标题刊登了出去。(The news was blazed in great headlines across the tops of the daily papers.)

  59.我们需要一位有经验的人来整顿我们公司。(We need an experienced man to pull our company together. )

  60.政客们往往在退出政界后转而去搞钱,把任上放出的人情债一一收回来。(Politicians often retire to money, cashing in on favors done while they were in office.)

  61.她是个有洁癖的人。(She is a fanatic for cleanliness.)

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