

 昵称535749 2011-09-29


Relaxation allows you to take some time for yourself so you can analyse what as been going on for the last few days. By taking some time to review your day, you can prepare things or see the good/bad of the day so you make sure they are repeated or not. Relaxation is a time saving activity, simply because your mind as time to restructurate everything that went on today and will be coming soon towards you. Relaxation is pretty much like giving your mind time to create an agenda and store the information you have to know in order.


Relaxation also help you to deal with physical tension and other physical stresses. It’s always better to perform a task when you’re calm because you know you can take your time to analyse everything before you choose an option. When you’re stressed, you’ll generally go with the first idea that comes in mind without verifying what will happen when the idea is applied. You thus give you more risk and this return in the form of even more stress to deal with because things weren’t done meticulously.


Relaxation can take as little as five (5) minutes of your time daily. That’s 35 minutes per week. Here are some examples of what you could consider doing:


1.Deep breathing

1. 深呼吸


2. 锻炼


3. 幽默

4.Listening to music

4. 听音乐


5. 按摩


6. 冥想


7. 祈祷


8. 自我催眠


9. 可视化2


10. 瑜伽

Doing one of these 10 possible technique will enhance your life tremendiously, and it’s not hard to do. It just require some of your time and the results you’ll get from doing it will help you deal with everything in your life much more easily.


If you have anything in mind you’d like to take care of, say, problems you have or things you’ll like to be able to do, take some time and focus on it. Find what it is that you want to be achieved and give your mind the time to look for solution of this achivement to become reality. When you get that solution, “just do it”. You’ll thanks your mind later.


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