双语话健康:饮酒助眠到底可不可取(图)相信很多人有睡前喝点酒的习惯。睡觉前喝点酒,头晕乎乎的,貌似可以助眠。不过,你的睡眠质量却会受到影响,导致你晚上睡眠不足,白天没精神。而到了晚上你又想靠饮酒入眠,这就造成了一个恶性循环。长此以往,健康就会受到伤害。因此,睡前喝酒不可取。 ![]() 饮酒助眠不可取
Alcohol can cause you to awake frequently in the night, reduce the amount of deep sleep you get, and cause you to wake up earlier than usual in the morning. The overall effect is that you end up feeling tired the next day. And thus you might be tempted to use alcohol to fall asleep the next night and the night after that and so on。 酒会使你频繁起夜,减少你的睡眠时间,还会使你早上醒的更早。总的来说,(睡前饮酒的)结果就是你第二天会感到疲惫。因此,第二天晚上你可能又会忍不住要靠饮酒助眠了。由此,一个恶性循环便产生了。 A large number of recovering alcoholics who participated in a study on insomnia in recovery from alcoholism claim to have had problems sleeping for some years before their alcohol dependence developed. And it’s an established fact that trouble sleeping is also one of the major triggers of relapse among recovering alcoholics。 一大群正在戒酒的人参与了一项关于失眠症的调查研究。他们称,在酒瘾形成之前,他们都经受过几年的睡眠问题的困扰。而人们戒酒难的原因之一便是睡眠问题,这已是不争的事实。 Recovering alcoholics have difficulty both falling asleep and staying asleep, and this is a serious problem for people who are trying to recover from alcohol dependence. Though there is not enough data at this point to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between insomnia and alcoholism, the connections between the two are noteworthy. It’s enough to make you reconsider using alcohol as a sleep aid。 处在戒酒过程中的人不仅入睡有困难,睡也睡不踏实,这对于那些试图戒酒的人来说,是一个严重的问题。虽然目前还没有证据表明失眠症和酗酒之间有因果关系, 但二者之间的联系是值得我们去注意的。这已足够让你重新考虑一下,用酒来助眠是不是一个好的选择。 Notes: insomnia: 失眠 trigger:扳机,引爆器 relapse:再度恶化 cause-and-effect relationship:因果关系 noteworthy:值得注意的 alcoholic:酒鬼 |