
Save And Restore Boot Sector or any Sector of Any Disk (Even Removeable)

 jamessfca 2011-10-29

Save And Restore Boot Sector or any Sector of Any Disk (Even Removeable)

Posted: 11 Jul 2010 07:00 PM PDT

HDHacker is a stand-alone micro-utility that saves, visualizes, and restores the MBR (from a physical drive), the Boot Sector (from a logical drive) or any specified sector from any disk (even removable disks).

Save And Restore Boot Sector or any Sector of Any Disk (Even Removeable)

HDHacker can be used, for example, to save and restore a particular boot manager (such as LILO, for example)
before a new Windows setup (which, obviously, overwrites it).

An MBR and Boot Sector backup can also be useful for simple precautionary purposes too, since sometimes viruses or other OS setup (like Linux) could overwrite and/or alter the MBR/Boot Sectors, making it impossible to start up previous OS and/or access data stored on the disk. HDHacker can provide “insurance” against all these types of loss.

Download it form Here

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Originally posted here: Save And Restore Boot Sector or any Sector of Any Disk (Even Removeable) Technize - Be Techdated -

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