

 MouseHappy 2011-11-03



第二部分  基础知识运用 (55)


(   )21.—I went to return the book to Jack, but I couldn’t find him.

          —He ______ the library. You can find him there.

          A. has been to       B. has gone to              C. has left                    D. went to

(   )22.People that lived in the mountains didn’t have wells(井) in the past, so they had to ______ water from a stream far away.

          A. bring                B. fetch                        C .take                         D. give

(   )23.We visited < xmlnamespace prefix ="st1" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Jokhang Temple and Potala Palace, and also saw many ______ people and some other places of ______ .

          A.interested; interested   B. interested; interest

C .interesting; interested   D. interesting; interest

(   )24.This is the most interesting book ______ I have ever read.

          A .what                 B. which                       C. that                         D .it

(   )25. It’s brave of you to go ______ the forest alone.

          A .through            B .across                      C. into                          D .onto

(   )26.Xishuangbanna which ______ its beautiful scenery makes me really excited.

          A. is known as      B. regards as                C. is famous for           D. considers as

(   )27.—I have got an “A” in my English test.      —______

          A. Take it easy.     B .Have a good time.    C. Is that so?               D. Congratulations!

(   )28.—Which do you prefer, soda or coffee?

          —I like ______ of them. Tea is my favorite.

          A. both                  B. either                       C. neither                    D. none

(   )29.—Do you think Tianjin is ______ city in China?   —Yes, I think so.

          A. the bigger         B. biggest                     C. third biggest            D. the third biggest

(   )30.There are a lot of places which ______ by visitors here. They are the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City and so on.

          A.must not miss    B.shouldn’t miss          C.shouldn’t be missed  D.can’t miss


The Great Wall in China is known to people all over the world. It   31   Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall in Chinese. Do you know the famous Chinese saying “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a   32   man.”?

The Great Wall is   33   wall in the world. It is more than 6,000 kilometres long, and   34 

four and five metres wide. In most places it is wide enough for five horses or ten men   35   side by side(并排) along the top. It was very   36   to build such a great wall without our modern machines. All the work had to   37   by hand. Many people were made   38   the wall away from their homes. Thousands of them   39   and were buried(埋葬) under the wall. The Great Wall was made not only of stone and earth, but also of the flesh and blood(血肉) of   40   men.

(   )31.A.calls                 B.is calling                   C.is called                    D.called

(   )32.A.good                B.true                          C.important                 D.clever

(   )33.A.longer              B.higher                       C.the longest                D.the highest

(   )34.A.between           B.among                       C.at                              D.with

(   )35.A.walk                B.walked                      C.walking                     D.to walk

(   )36.A.easy                 B.difficult                     C.interesting                D.quick

(   )37.A.do                    B.done                          C.be done                     D.was doing

(   )38.A.work on           B.to work on                C.worked on                 D.working on

(   )39.A.die                   B.dead                          C.death                        D.died

(   )40.A.millions           B.millions of                 C.three million of         D.three millions



 Building a bridge across the Straits(海峡)

On May 3rd, 2005, KMT chairman Lien Chan finished his eight-day visit to the mainland.

Only two days later, another Taiwanese leader, James Song (Song Chuyu), visited again.

Song is the chairman of the People First Party(亲民党) in Taiwan. On his nine-day trip from May 5th to 13rd, he visited Xi’an, Nanjing, Shanghai and Changsha, as well as Beijing.

Song, 63, was born in Xiangtan, Hunan Province in 1942. He went to Taiwan with his father at the age of seven.

On May 9th, Song went back to Xiangtan to sweep his ancestor’s(祖先的) tomb.

He also met President Hu Jintao when he arrived in Beijing on May 11th.

Song hoped his trip could build a bridge between the two sides.“We are here to build a bridge of trust, understanding and cooperation(合作) between Taiwan and the mainland.”he said.

The two parties in Taiwan both agree with the“One China”policy and are in favor of the final unification(统一) of China.

Things continue to get better since Lien’s visit. Taiwan can now sell more fruit in the mainland. The mainland gave a pair of giant pandas to Taiwan.

More importantly, mainland people will soon be able to travel to the beautiful island.

(   )41.Lien Chan spent ______ visiting the mainland.

          A.8 days                B.4 days                       C.7 days                                                                         D.9 days

(   )42.James Song went to Taiwan with his father in ______ .

          A.1942                  B.1945                          C.1947                          D.1949

(   )43.We can tell from the story that ______ .

          A.both James Song and Lien Chan were born in Xiangtan

          B.both James Song’s and Lien Chan’s visits will help the mainland and Taiwan know more about each other

          C.mainland people can travel to Taiwan now after Lien Chan’s visit

          D.the mainland will build a zoo for Taiwan as a gift

(   )44.What does the underlined phrase “in favor of” mean?

          A.like                   B.protect                      C.support                     D.help

(   )45.“Taiwanese” means ______ .

          A.台湾人()        B.台湾                         C.台湾产品                  D.台湾政策


 During the last winter holiday, I went to China with my parents. The five-day trip left me with a deep impression.

As the capital of China, Beijing is a very beautiful city with fresh air and clean streets which make the travelers feel very pleased. To my surprise, many people there were learning English. Later I was told that they did so because Beijing would hold the 29th Olympic Games and they wanted most foreigners to understand them. They strictly kept the traffic rules. When there was a red light, no one was seen crossing the street.

Of all the places I visited, I liked the Summer Palace best. To our surprise, although it was winter when we were there, we still saw green trees and many fresh flowers. The whole park was very beautiful.

We visited a very modern football field. We were told the buildings where the Olympic Games would be held were even better than that. I also enjoyed skiing in Xiangshan. Skiing is an interesting and exciting sport liked by many people.

In my eyes, China is a nice place and Chinese people are very kind. In Beijing Station, there were so many people, and most of them were going home to spend the Spring Festival—the most important Chinese festival, with their families. Passengers helped each other carry luggage(行李), and they were very kind to foreigners. We were given a card by the hotel we stayed at, on which was the address of the hotel. With the card we never got lost in the city.

The five days passed quickly, but the trip left me a lot of sweet memories.

(   )46.From the passage, we know the Summer Palace ______ .

          A.has flowers only in summer

          B.is worth visiting all the year round

          C.is a place where people visit only in summer

          D.is a place where many people ski in winter

(   )47.The writer enjoyed ______ in Xiangshan.

          A.skating              B.swimming                 C.skiing                                                             D.board-skating

(   )48.The five-day trip of Beijing was ______.

          A.during New Year’s Day                           B.after the Spring Festival

          C.on the Mid-Autumn Day                        D.before the Spring Festival

(   )49.The foreigners were given a card each by the hotel ______.

          A.so that they could easily find their hotel

          B.in order to go shopping

          C.so they could get something freely from the hotel

          D.as the New Year’s gift

(   )50.In the writer’s eyes, Chinese people ______.

          A.are kind                                                B.are helpful

          C.strictly kept the traffic rules                 D.all of the above


Pingyao is one of China’s three protected ancient cities (the other two are Xi’an and Jingzhou). Lying in the middle of Shanxi Province, 90 kilometers south of Taiyuan, Pingyao ancient city used to be about two hours’ drive from the capital of Shanxi Province, but now the distance is only one hour and ten minutes’ drive after the highway was built. With a history of over 2,700 years, the ancient city stands out as one of the best protected of all the walled cities in China.

On December 3rd, 1997, UNESCO (联合国教科文组织) added Pingyao to the World Heritage (遗产) List as a world’s culture heritage. According to the UNESCO World Heritage Commission(委员会) the Pingyao ancient city is a wonderful example of the Chinese Han cities during the Ming and Qing dynasties. All the features of the Pingyao ancient city have been protected, and it shows(展示) an outstanding Chinese historical development including its culture, society, economy and religion(宗教信仰).

(   )51.How many preserved ancient cities are there in China?

          A.One.                B.Two.     C.Three.      D.Many.

(   )52.Why is Pingyao one of the ancient cities?

          A.Because it is a wonderful example of the Chinese Han cities.

          B.Because it has a history of over 2,700 years.

          C.Because all its features have been preserved.

          D.Because it includes its culture, society, etc.

(   )53.It will take you about one hour to get to Pingyao from Taiyuan ______ .

          A.by plane             B.by bike                      C.by train                     D.by car

(   )54.Pingyao is a wonderful example of the Chinese Han cities during the ______ and ______ dynasties. A.Yuan; Qing   B.Ming; Qing      C.Song; Yuan  D.Song; Ming

(   )55.If you go there some day, you shouldn’t ______ .

          A.carve your name on the wall                  B.draw a picture on the wall

          C.litter everywhere                                   D.destroy the city


What shaking the head means is not always the same in different countries. Maybe some visitors would be surprised when they first come to India. When they talk to an Indian, they would find he would often shake his head. The visitors might think that the Indian doesn’t like what they say. But in fact, they would be completely wrong.

Indians always shake their heads when they talk to others. It doesn’t mean “No”. If someone wants to visit India, he should know this, or he will be in trouble.

One day, a foreign officer went to India on business. He hired a car and asked an Indian to drive him. When he told his driver to take him to his office, the Indian shook his head at once. The officer said again and the driver shook his head again. At last the officer, of course, got angry.

“How dare you refuse my order?” he shouted, “Drive me to my office at once!”

The driver answered in quite a loud voice, too. “Yes, sir!” But to the officer’s surprise, the driver shook his head at the same time.

The car started and the foreign officer was now too surprised to say a word. He thought about it for a while, and then he nodded with a smile, “‘No’ means ‘Yes’here!”

(   )56.What does shaking one’s head mean all over the world?

A.Yes.                 B.No.                            C.Glad.                         D.Yes or No.

(   )57.What should you do in India if you agree with somebody?

A.Shake your head.                                 B.Nod your head.

C.Speak in a loud voice.                          D.Say it again and again.

(   )58.Why did the officer go to India?

A.He went there to visit his friend           B.He went there to buy a car.

C.He went there to learn driving.            D.He went there because of his job.

(   )59.Why did the officer get angry?

A.Because the driver didn’t understand him.

B.Because the driver still shook his head after he said again.

C.Because the driver didn’t like the officer.

D.Because the driver didn’t answer in a loud voice.

(   )60.What can we learn from the story?

A.When you are in India, you should always shake your head.

B.You shouldn’t shake your head if you’re a driver.

C.Shaking head will make others get angry.

D.Different countries have different customs.

第三部分  笔试部分



Shopping Information

Vegetable Hall

Tomatoes 3 yuan,now     16     yuan

Cabbages 2.4 yuan,now     17     yuan

Food Hall

 18        lucky people will get cakes and bread for      19     .

Clothing Hall

A play area for the     20     on the corner



61The artists show their minds by d_____ the pictures.

62. They have c______ many stamps before .

63. We are e______ to study hard to go to high school by our parents.

64. The food t_____ very delicious, I like it very much.

65. Our lives have c_____ a lot, we must thank the Party .

66. We have r_____ much money to the southwest(西南) in the country for water.

67Our students must learn all the _______(学科)

68. We have different ______(文化) between our country and the western countries.

五.动词填空  7分)

In learning English ,one should first pay attention to 69__________(learn) and speaking .It’s the groundwork of reading and writing .You’d better 70_________(try) your best to do much listening and speaking.71_________(not be ) afraid of making mistakes and don’t let them 72________(stop) you from improving your English .Through correcting the mistakes, you can do better in learning English .A good way to correct mistakes is to write ---keep a diary, write notes or letters and ask some others to go through what you have written .They’ll tell where it is wrong .Many mistakes in your speaking 73________easily73 ______ (find) when you write .

If you are slow in speaking ,don’t worry .One of the helpful ways is reading ,either aloud or just to yourself .Remember it is important to choose something interesting to read ..It_74_______(not be) too difficult for you .When you 74________(read) ,don’t stop to look up the new words if you can guess their meanings or they have nothing important to do with the sentence. You can do that some other time .  

六 书面表达(15分)


(A) 进入初中以来,你在学习方法、身体外貌、性格特征或生活习惯等方面一定发生了很大的变化。其中一定有令你感受最深的变化,请你以“How life changes” 为题,写一篇40词左右的短文。


1. 你有哪些变化?(至少涉及两方面的变化)

2. 你感受最深的变化是什么?

How life changes


   1-----10  ______________   ___________________

   11----15 ________________ 

   21----30 _________________     ______________________

   31----40 __________________    _______________________

   41----50___________________    _______________________

   51----60 __________________  ___________




听力部分  1—15  C C A B A  A B B C B    C A B C B

笔试部分  21—30 B B D C A   C D C D C

          31—40 C B C A D   B C B D B

          41---50 A D B C A   B C D A D

          51—60 C B D B D   D A D B D

听力笔试  16 1.5  17 1.2   18 choosing  19 free  20 kids

61 drawing 62 collected  63  encourged/empressed  64 tastes

65 changed 66 raised  67 subjects  68 cultures 

69 learing 70  try  71 Don’t be  72 stop  73  will  be found

74 isn’t  74  are reading

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