
How your birthdate can affect your intelligen?ce, mood, height, allergies, and more!

 赛波 2011-11-30

Could your date of birth affect the rest of your life? Several studies suggest key neural differences between babies born in the summer and winter seasons.

A 2006 study in Schizophrenia Research found that winter babies (born in winter and spring) were on average both bigger and brighter than their summer (born in summer and fall) counterparts. The study, led by Harvard University researchers, followed 21,000 children from birth; by their 7th birthdays, winter children emerged 210 grams heavier, 0.19 cm taller, and higher scoring on intelligence exercises.

That wasn't the final word, however. In a 2010 study in Nature Neuroscience, Vanderbilt University researchers exposed newborn mice to either summer-like or winter-like light conditions. When the mice were later plunged into complete darkness, the "summer" mice kept to a daily routine while the "winter" mice struggled. Though it's unclear how well these results translate to humans, the impact on the mice's biological clocks suggests a link between birthdate and emotional regulation.

When we probed our own database for answers, we found that out of 12,259 members who played the popular free game Memory Matrix, there were no statistically significant seasonal differences. We used only US members' gameplay data to insure that all birthdates corresponded to the same seasons; you can see a chart and full details on the blog.

So the real answer about which birth season in "better" remains unclear. The most important thing to remember, regardless of your birthday, is that you can work on improving your brain and body year-round. Our Memory Matrix analysis showed that members born in all seasons showed significant improvement with Lumosity training! So get your daily dose of vitamins from either produce or supplements, exercise regularly no matter the weather, and keep your brain fit with daily training from Lumosity. Unlock full access today to try all 35+ exercises, see your progress history, and stay on track every day of the year.

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