

 Lin Renlei 2012-01-13

4. Put yourself on your payroll


  There comes a time every month when the bills start piling up and you force yourself to sit down and write out all the checks. Well, there's one more check you should be writing — one to yourself. Jay Fine, a longtime financial planner based in Monroe, New Jersey, offers this easy way to put your retirement planning into high gear. "Put yourself on the payroll," he says. "Every month — or even better, every paycheck — make sure you set an amount aside for investment. A good number would be about 6 percent. Anything more would be great. If you have to, you can even write yourself a check to deposit or send to another account. But just as you pay your mortgage and your electric bill without fail, now you'll be making sure to pay yourself as well."

  当账单开始堆积起来时,你就要逼着自己坐下来填写支付每一笔账单所需的支票。这样的事情每月都会有一次。但是还有一张支票你应该写,那就是一张写给你自己的支票。来自新泽西州门罗镇的长期理财规划师Jay Fine,给出了一个建议帮助你。他说:“每月为自己支付工资,确保拿出了一笔钱做投资。理想的比例是6%。如果更多,就棒极了。如果需要可以用自己的名义进行存款或是存在另一个账户里。就像你支付按揭和电费从没中断过一样,现在你要确保能一直为自己付工资。”

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