贴春联、放鞭炮、吃饺子、舞龙灯……热热闹闹的春节令人陶醉,七天长假也转眼即逝,可一些上班族却患上了“节后综合症”,节后综合症英语怎么说?节后综合症有哪些症状及对应的英语该怎么说?附漫画图片学英语单词和口语句子。这些症状你有吗?节后的第一个工作日对你来说是虚设吗?节后综合症就可以说"the holiday blues", or "post-holiday syndrome, Post Vacation Syndrome," 节后综合症英语介绍: THE new year always brings an old problem for students who return to campus after a long winter holiday spent lounging around at home. As the spring semester begins, some students find themselves having to adapt to college life all over again - a process they refer to as "the holiday blues", or "post-holiday syndrome". A big component is what some researchers dub Post Vacation Syndrome (PVS), characterized by a combination of irritability, anxiety, lack of motivation, difficulty concentrating, and a feeling of emptiness that lasts up to a few weeks after returning to work. Some people get a mild version every Sunday night after getting the weekend off. Surveys suggest that 35% to 75% of workers in Spain, where many businesses close for the month of August, suffer from PVS.
困神干扰症,全天睡不醒! 灵魂放空症,玩心收不拢! 拖延症末期,作业没做完! 吃货症末期,体重太重,钱包太轻! |