

 教学爱好者 2012-03-09



1. She l_______   in Bei Hai.(住)

2. What l _______does Maria speak?(语言)

3. Where are your friend f_______?(从)

4. King’s f_______ movie is the Long Weekend. (最喜爱的)

5. China is a great c_______ .(国家)

6. Mr. Brown is from A_______.(美国)

7. Can he speak J_______ ?(日语)

8. Rush Hour is an action m _______  (电影).

9. It is an i_______  story.(有兴趣的)

10. J_______   is the seventh month in the year.(七月)


(    )1. _______  do you come from?

     A. When    B. How    C. Where     D.  Why

(    )2.Sam likes_______  his friends.

  A. to play     B. plays     C. play with     D. playing with

(    )3.She lives_______ Sydney.

  A. at     B. on     C. in     D. behind

(    )4.Where_______   she ?     ---In Australia.

  A. do; live    B. does; lives   C. do; lives   D. does; live

(    )5.Do you want_______  French?

A. to learn   B learns.    C. learning    D. learn

(    )6 He likes walking to school but dislikes _______       to school by bus.

   A.to go        B.go         C.going        D.goes

(     )7. ------Who can _______      French in your family?-----My father does.

   A.read         B.tell        C.speak        D.say

(      )8.-------Where are you_______       ?----China.

   A.in           B.from       C.with         D.on

(      )9.------- _______      does your father live?------In the city of Sydney.

   A.Where       B.When       C.What        D.How

(     )10.Please write _______       me and tell me_______       yourself.

   A.to,to         B.to,about     C.about,to      D.about,about

(     )11.Do you want to _______     to a movie?

   A.to           B.goes        C.go           D.doing

(     )12.John likes going to the movies _______        his friends.

   A.to           B.take         C.with         D.on

(      )13.Where _______      your pen pal  _______      from?

   A.does, /        B.is,come      C.does,come    D.do, /

(    )14. _______  city  does he live in ?Chongqi.

  A Where    Bwho     C Why     D Which

(   )15. _______  that your new pen pal? _______  he from Shanghai?

A Is Is      B Is Does      C Does Does       D Does Is


1.Where does he come from?(改为同义句)

Where _______          he   _______         ?

2.His brother lives in Beijing (对in Beijing划线部分提问)

 _______         _______    his brother _______   ?


3.Her favorite subject is Chinese.(对Chinese划线部分提问)

 _______      her favorite sbject?


4.That man is from Canada.(对Canada划线部分提问)

   _______       _______   that man   _______   _______         ?


    Li Mei has a new classmate from New York. His 1_______  is Peter. Everything here 2_______  new to him. He doesn’t speak Chinese, but he speaks good English. He can  3_______  many games, too. Miss Yang asked Li Mei to  4 _______ him to speak Chinese. Li Mei was very 5_______ . She thought she could  6_______  English from Peter. Now she can speak  7_______  English and Peter can  8_______  some Chinese words.


Now they are 9_______  at table and having 10 _______ at school. Li Mei teaches him how to use chopsticks. (筷子)

 (  ) 1. A. friend     B. classmate  C. name  D. teacher

(  ) 2. A. am     B. is           C. are    D. be

(  ) 3. A. play       B. have      C. like     D. send

(  ) 4. A. see        B. watch       C. help     D. tell

(  ) 5. A. sorry      B. careful       C. sad     D. happy

(  ) 6. A. get        B. borrow    C. learn    D. teach

(  ) 7. A. any        B. some     C. many    D. no

( ) 8. A. tell        B. write     C. say      D. read

(  ) 9. A. sitting        B. standing  C. working  D. talking

(  ) 10. A. a meeting  B. a party     C. lunch     D. tea

五、阅读理解 (40分)
Hello, everyone(每个人)! My name is Bob. I live in Toronto, Canada. It's a very beautiful city. My parents are from France. They speak French. And I can speak English and French.
     I am 13 years old and my birthday is in November. I'm a middle school student. There are thirteen girls and fifteen boys in my class. They are from five countries. They all come to learn English. There are eight Chinese students in my class and six of them are my good friends. I like China very much because it is a great country. I want to learn Chinese. And I want to go to China.
(  ) 1. Where is Bob from?
A. France.    B. Canada.     C. China.
(  )2. How many students are there in Bob's class?
A. Thirteen.   B. Fifteen.        C. Twenty-eight.
(  ) 3. What does Bob want to do?
A. He wants to go to China. B. He wants to learn English. C. He wants to go to France.
(  ) 4. What languages can Bob speak?
A. English and Chinese.  B. English and French.  C. Chinese and English.
(  )5. How many Chinese friends does Bob have?
A. Five.       B. Six.         C. Eight.
I have many pen pals in many countries. Do you know the girl on the bike in the photo? She is one of my pen pals. Her name is Reiko. She is a Japanese student. We are the same(相同的) age - 13 years old. She lives in Tokyo. She has two brothers. They live with their parents.
   I like Reiko very much. But I don't know Japanese, and Reiko doesn't know Chinese, either(也). But we know English. So we write letters in English. Sometimes(有时) we talk on the phone. My favorite subject is math. Her favorite subject is music. We have the same hobbies. We like seeing comedies, playing volleyball and eating hamburgers.

My pen pal
6. Name: ____________         
7. Age:  ____________         
8 From: ____________         
9. Languages:                            
10. City:                                    
11. Family members:                  
12. Favorite sport:                      
13. Favorite kind of movies: ____________
14. Favorite subject:                         
15. Favorite food:                             
  Do you know how to write an English letter and envelope?
  When we write a letter in Chinese, we always put the date at the end of the letter. But it is different in English. We have to put it on the top of the right corner. And above the date, we also write the number of our house and the names of our street, city and country. To begin the letter, we always use the word like "Dear sir",  "Dear Mr./Miss./Ms.…". To end the letter, we usually use words like "Yours","Yours ever" or "Truly yours".
  Now read the following envelope, please.
( )16."We have to put it on the top of the right corner." The word "it" here means_____.
     A. the date      B. the letter     C. the passage
(  ) 17. To what country will the letter be sent?
     A. P.R. China     B. China      C. The United States
( ) 18. Who writes this letter?
     A. Miss Susan Brown  B. Zhang  Hua   C. You
( ) 19. From the passage, we know when we write an English letter, we should
     put down our address _____.
     A. at the end of the letter on the right
     B. at the end of the letter on the left
     C. at the top of the letter on the left
(  ) 20. How do you begin your letter if you write to John Smith?
     A. John Smith    B. Mr. John    C. Dear Mr. Smith

六 书面表达题:(15)

假如你有一个来自于上海的朋友叫李明,他喜欢唱歌并且喜欢打篮球。他经常给你写信告诉你他的学校情况,他最喜欢数学,他认为数学很有兴趣,他不喜欢语文,他认为语文很无聊。但是语文很重要(important重要的),我们必须学好。Must 必须 study。。。well 学好。

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