
Kitchenware articles Kitchen chapter--Beep kettle

 LOFT生活 2012-03-17
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    (English name: Mingyin kettle), a steam intelligent sensor control, thermal protection, airflow through the gap of the reed with the lid when boiling water, an alarm sounds, anti-dry, fast boiling water, boil water appliances.
       Small appliances a specific type of small household electrical appliances in China can be divided into small appliances small kitchen appliances, small home appliances and personal life.
       Beep kettle belonging to the ranks of small kitchen appliances.
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[Sub class]
A traditional stainless steel beep kettle;
Beep electric kettle;
3 quick beep kettle;
(4) anti-dry to beep kettle;
. Soaring beep kettle.
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       "The mystery of the whistling kettle whistle on the lid. The inside of the lid, fitted with a wafer, with a few slices of reed (bottom right, similar to the harmonica reed), then this wafer with reeds fitted to the lid and the inside is around the lid handle to open the position of the lid handle a few slits, so that air flow through the reed, rush out from the slit.
 Will produce a lot of steam when the water boiled, these high-pressure steam will be through the reed inside the lid, the lid around the slit out of reed vibration through the reed will sound. As the reed is certain, the amount of the water regardless of pot, boil, whistle tone is the same. In addition, the spout mouth to try to let the steam flow away reed --- slit channels in the spout mouth a lid, boil water with the lid covered.
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[In addition to scale]
Scale generation]
       With water quality.
       If the hard water, the oxygen content in water, the water molecule is unstable, water, calcium, magnesium solubility is reduced, precipitation intensified up the to form scale.
       As long as the water temperature exceeds 60 ℃, especially in the water is quite hard north, it will certainly scale to produce the daily kettle, boiler scale.
       The solution is to be cleaned regularly.
Get rid of the scale]
(1) baking soda in addition to the scale
Aluminum kettle when boiling, put a teaspoon of baking soda, boiling a few minutes, that is, except the scale;
2 vinegar descale
With the kettle water, alkali, into the water a few spoons of vinegar, boil alkaline water can be removed;
(3) masks anti-plot scale
Boil kettle put a clean face masks, when boiling, the scale masks adsorption;
4 eggs descaling
Pot of boiling water with a long hard fouling difficult except this regard, it can be used to cook two eggs, and will have the desired effect;
5 potato skins, in addition to the scale
Aluminum pot or aluminum pot with a period of time, will bear a thin layer of scale, the potato skin on the inside, add appropriate amount of boiling water, cook about 10 minutes can be removed;
Thermal expansion and contraction method in addition to the scale
Empty kettle on the stove to dry out the scale in the water, see the pot bottom cracks or till the pot bottom "bang" sound the pot a rapid injection of cold water, remove with a rag wrapped handle and pot mouth, hold his hands, licked up the water bottle quickly sitting in cold water (do not let water into the jug), the above two laws need to be repeated 2 or 3 times off the Hudi scale shrinkage due to thermal expansion Ling;
7 kettle boiled potato antiscale
Put more than half kettle potato in a new kettle filled with water, cooked potato, and later boil, it will not plot scale, kettle cooked potato, the wall Do not scrub, otherwise they will lose the anti-scaling role for the existing scale of the old kettle and cook for 1 or 2 times, using the above method of potato, not only the original scale will come off gradually, and to prevent the plot scale.

【Article is excerpted from: Baidu Encyclopedia】
【Network reprint / Just reference】
【Translation is by Goolge】

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