
average energy expenditure of various activities and sports: information from answers.com

 温情一路 2012-03-21

Average Energy Expenditure of Various Activities and Sports

Oxford Food & Fitness Dictionary:

Average Energy Expenditure of Various Activities and Sports


Energy expenditure in kilocalories per hour according to body mass.
Activity/sport 50?kg 60?kg 70?kg 80?kg 90?kg
aerobic dance 270 310 350 380 420
aerobics 260 300 340 370 410
American football 240 270 305 340 370
aquarobics 235 290 310 360 400
archery 190 220 250 270 300
badminton 270 310 350 385 420
baseball and softball 220 250 285 315 350
basketball (half court) 240 270 305 340 370
basketball (competition) 480 545 610 670 740
body building 375 427 480 530 585
bowling 215 230 275 305 335
boxercise 260 310 340 370 410
boxing (sparring) 190 220 250 270 300
calisthenics 190 220 250 270 300
canoeing and kayaking (4?mph) 240 270 350 385 420
circuit training 263 300 335 375 410
climbing (mountain) 480 545 610 680 745
cricket (fielding) 240 270 350 385 420
cross-country skiing 560 635 715 790 870
cycling (moderate speed) 165 190 214 240 260
dance (social) 223 255 285 315 350
fencing 240 270 305 340 370
golf (walking with bag) 200 230 255 280 310
gymnastics 255 280 315 350 380
hockey 430 490 550 610 670
horse-riding 190 220 250 270 300
ice hockey 280 270 355 395 435
jogging (9?km/h) 520 590 660 735 806
martial arts 250 280 315 350 385
netball 250 290 325 360 395
orienteering 520 590 660 735 806
rope jumping (continuous) 560 635 715 790 870
rowing (recreational) 190 220 250 270 300
rugby 430 490 550 610 670
running (16?km/h) 719 820 920 1016 1116
skiing (downhill) 480 545 610 680 745
soccer 430 490 550 610 670
squash 480 545 610 680 745
swimming (laps) 255 290 326 361 395
tennis 335 380 430 475 520
volleyball 280 270 355 395 435
walking (brisk) 240 280 315 350 385
weight training 375 427 480 530 585
Energy expenditure will depend on the skill of the performer, the intensity of the activity, the weather, and so on.

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