

 yxhong28 2012-04-21


2011年07月11日17:05  来源:新东方在线 【发表评论

     1、continue vt.&vi. 继续
    The rain continued (for) two days. 雨连续下了两天。
    The weather continued fine. 天气仍然很好。
    They continued the meeting after a break. 休息一会之后他们继续开会。
    2、equal  adj.相等的,同等的  vt. 等于;比得上
    equal pay for equal work同工同酬
    be equal to与……相等
    be / feel equal to (doing) sth. 胜任;经得起
    Twice three is equal to six. 二三得六。
    He is equal to( doing) this task. 他能胜任这项任务。
    Four times five equals twenty. 四乘五等于二十。
    out of work失业的(=out of a job)
    in work有工作
    go to work去上班
    off work在休班
    at work在工作中,在上班
    after work下班后
    begin/start work开始工作
    He began work at eighteen, but now he is out of work.
    4、fear  n.[U]恐惧,害怕;[C]担心的事  vt.恐惧,害怕
    in fear of… 担心……,以防……
    in fear惊恐地
    I fear (that) he must have gone. 我怕他已经走了。
    You should not fear to speak your mind. 你应该敢于说出自己的想法。
    Women feared to go out at night. 妇女们不敢晚上外出。
    5、vote   vt.&vi.投票;表决  n.[C]投票,表决
    If we can't agree, we'll have to vote it on. 如果意见不统一的话,我们就得投票表决。
    Congress voted to increase foreign aid by 10%. 国会表决通过增加10%的对外援助。
    The results of the vote were surprising-80% of workers favored strike action. 表决结果令人惊讶,80%的工人同意罢工行动。

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