

 大英小斋 2012-05-18

Be clear about job titles


 2012-05-17    来源:21st Century Staff     
导读:毕业生在招聘会(job fair)上发现很多职衔让他们摸不着头脑。就此问题专家提醒,学生应与用人单位沟通,全面了解工作内容和责任。

As students jam job fairs to grasp final opportunities before graduation, some find themselves befuddled about a variety of positions.

“Some job titles looked really weird to us,” said Zhang Yanxin, 21, a senior majoring in political science and administration in South China Normal University.

He went to a job fair held in South China Agriculture University last weekend.

“At the fair, I saw the title of ‘planner’ in the business development department of Walmart. I considered it to be an administrative position.”

So he stood in a long queue to hand in his resume to HR, but later he figured out that the role was to design shelves in supermarkets.

According to the latest recruitment survey released by 51job.com, the number of recruitment positions offered on its website in April was 2.24 million, and one in four contain the title “manager”.

“Sales, marketing and project operation top areas that recruit most managers, but of course not all titles with ‘manager’ are linked to a high-level or leadership position,” said Feng Lijuan, a chief human resource expert in 51job.com.

“In reality, a manager could be a lowest-level position similar to ‘representative’ or ‘staff’.”

He Zhaochang, 21, a senior majoring in civil engineering in Shantou University, said that the suspicious title of “trainee” gave him the false impression that he was not going to work in a company, but to learn some skills.

At the job fair, Zhang also found a lot of other puzzling titles on the companies’ recruitment list: for example, corporate culture specialist and government relationship specialist. Zhang hesitated to apply.

“What can you tell from those titles? I sometimes think that reading the titles on the list is like solving riddles posted on lanterns.”

Addressing the issue, career experts say that employers might use “appealing” titles to attract graduates, but if any dispute arises later, the employer reserves the right to final interpretation.

“An applicant needs to find out detailed job descriptions and ask employers to spend some time explaining the job content,” said consultant Feng.

“Interviewees can check whom they report to and who are their subordinates. It also helps to learn about the company’s structure and departments.”

Companies have their own explanations. Li Wei, a PR manager in Walmart China, admitted that the names of some of their positions are not familiar to graduates.

“We once considered changing it, but headquarters in the US wants to retain the same name of the same position at all the branch companies.”

Legal experts also caution that, students should pay more attention to brand new positions when signing the labor contract with their employer.

“Employers can use any name to describe a position so long as it does not violate the law or harm the public. Besides, new positions reflect improvements in society,” said Zhu Yongping, a lawyer in Deheng Law Firm in Shenzhen.

He says that the key to solving confusion over job titles is for students to communicate fully with employers.

This can help them clear up any misunderstandings and figure out all the responsibilities written in the contract.”

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